Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Your identity:
Your password must consist of 8 digits, the first of which must be non-zero. 
Enter the 3-digit code of your native language using the menu below
Afrikaans 601
Akan 602
Amharic 603
Arabic  701
Ashanti 629
Bambara 604
Bemba 605
Berber 606
Chichewa 607
Efik 608
English  408
Ewe 609
French  411
Fulani 610
Ga 611
Galla 612
German 413
Haoussa 613
Ibo 614
Kikongo 631
Kikuyu 615
Kinyarwanda 632
Kiswahili 616
Lingala 617
Luba-Lulua 618
Malagasy 619
Malinke (Mandinka) 620
Matavele 633
Mende 621
Portuguese   424
Sango 634
Shona 622
Somali 623
Sotho 635
Spanish  430
Tigrinya 624
Aymara     201
Dutch 407
English  408
French  411
German  413
Guarani 203
Portuguese   424
Quechua 202
Spanish  430
Assamese 101
Baluchi 102
Bengali 103
Bihari 104
Burmese 105
Cebuano 106
Chinese 107
Divehi 143
English  408
French  411
Gujurati 108
Hindi 109
Ilocano 110
Indonesian 111
Japanese 112
Javanese 113
Kannada 114
Kashmiri 115
Khmer 118
Korean 119
Kurdish 120
Lao 121
Malay 122
Malayam 123
Manipuri 125
Marathi 124
Mongolian 117
Nepalese 126
Oriya 127
Pilipino 128
Punjabi 129
Pushtu 130
Rajasthani 131
Sindhi 132
Sinhalese 133
Sundanese 134
Tamil 135
Tatar 136
Telugu 137
Thai 138
Tibetan 139
Urdu 141
Uyghur 140
Vietnamese 142
Armenian 401
Azeri 440
Basque 402
Bulgarian 403
Catalan 404
Croatian 439
Danish 406
Dutch 407
English  408
Estonian 409
Finnish 410
French  411
Galician 444
Georgian 412
German  413
Greek 414
Hungarian 415
Icelandic 416
Irish 434
Italian 417
Kazakh 116
Kirghiz 437
Latvian 418
Lithuanian 419
Luxembourgish 435
Macedonian 420
Maltese 421
Montenegrin 443
Norwegian 422
Polish 423
Portuguese   424
Romanian 425
Romansh 436
Russian 426
Serbian 427
Slovakian 428
Slovenian 429
Spanish  430
Swedish 431
Tajik 441
Turkish 432
Ukrainian 433
Uzbek 438
Arabic  701
Armenian 401
English  408
French  411
Hebrew 702
Persian 703
English 408
Fijian 501
French 411
Marshallese 502
Palauan 503
Pidgin 504
Ponapean 505
Samoan 506
Tahitian 507
Tongan 508
Yapese 509
Your link with Japanese :
Media via which you come into contact with Japanese language
(Several choices possible)

The person with whom you usually communicate in Japanese

with a teacher
with friends
with family
with a supervisor
with colleagues
with customers
If you have already taken the test:
Did you pass the N1?
Did you pass the N2?
Did you pass the N3?
Did you pass the N4?
Did you pass the N5?