Thesis prize
Thesis prize winners
Thesis prize winners
Prix Jeune Chercheur de la Fondation des Treilles 2024
Jules Sergei Fediunin for his doctoral thesis "Nationalism in the service of an uncertain nation: nouvelles tendances du nationalisme et (dé)légitimation du pouvoir dans la Russie contemporaine, 2000-2020" under the supervision of Jean Radvanyi and defended at INALCO on December 6, 2021
Prix Raymond Aron pour la recherche 2023
-Jules Sergei Fediunin for his doctoral thesis "Le nationalisme au service d'une nation incertaine: nouvelles tendances du nationalisme et (dé)légitimation du pouvoir dans la Russie contemporaine, 2000-2020" under the supervision of Jean Radvanyi and defended at INALCO on December 6, 2021
Prix de thèse d'études juives en langue française 2021
- Sarah Gimenez for her thesis critical study of the manuscript proverb by I. S. Révah (Judeo-Spanish, Salonika, 1936), under the supervision of Marie-Christine Bornes Varol, defended January 08, 2021
Prix Jeune Chercheur de la Fondation des Treilles 2024
Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2021
Prix en lettres et sciences humaines " toutes spécialités " is awarded to:
- Monique Demarle Casadebaig for her thesis Gongsun Long 公孫龍; des noms à la désignation, la pensée du langage en Chine à l'époque des Royaumes combattants, under the supervision of Frédéric Wang (Inalco) and Stéphane Feuillas (Université de Paris), defended on September 10, 2020.
- Mélanie Nittis for her thesis L'improvisation poétique chantée à Olympos (Karpathos, Greece): dynamiques contemporaines d'un rituel paraliturgique, under the supervision of Stéphane Sawas (Inalco) and Jerôme Cler (Sorbonne Université), defended September 25, 2020
Prix Shibusawa Claudel 2021
is awarded to Edouard L'Herisson, for his thesis entitled Trajectoires shintō et construction de la Mandchourie japonaise: spatialisation religieuse, expansion de l'empire et structuration du shintō moderne, under the supervision of Michael Lucken, defended December 12, 2020.
Prix Mohammed Arkoun de la thèse d'islamologie 2020
is awarded to Yakota Gobran, for his thesis in history, societies and civilizations entitled "L'autorité aš'arite au Ve/Xie siècle. Attributs divins et statut du Coran au cœur des débats contre les mu'tazilites et les ḥanbalites dits anthropomorphistes", under the supervision of Jean-Jacques Thibon, defended at INALCO on December 2, 2019.
Prix de L'Institut d'études de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM) 2020
are awarded to Duygu Tasalp for his thesis in History, Societies and Civilizations entitled "Unionist Memories and Memory Regimes in 20th Century Turkey", under the supervision of Taline Ter Minassian and Hamit Bozarslan, defended at INALCO on November 6, 2018.
The second prize to Rémi Desmoulière for his thesis in human and economic geography entitled "Geography of a milieu: minibus owners, drivers and organizations in Jakarta", under the direction of Manuelle Franck and Jérôme Tadié, defended at INALCO on December 13, 2019.
Prix de thèse 2019 sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans du Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS)
is awarded to Gianluca SAITTA for his thesis "Les maqāmāt/munāẓarāt paysagères au Yémen à l'époque postclassique et la question de leur généricité", under the supervision of Luc-Willy Deheuvels and Monica Ruocco
A jury's special mention
is awarded to Marcella RUBINO for her thesis "Religion et violence dans l'œuvre de Yūsuf Zaydān : les chemins croisés de la fiction et de l'histoire", under the direction of Luc-Willy Deheuvels
Prix Shibusawa Claudel 2018
is awarded to: Simon EBERSOLT for his thesis entitled: "Contingence and community. Kuki Shûzô, philosophe japonais" sous la direction d'Emmanuel LOZERAND et de Frédéric FRUTEAU DE LACLOS
Prix de thèse Okamatsu 2018
is awarded to: Simon EBERSOLT for his thesis entitled: "Contingence and community. Kuki Shûzô, philosophe japonais" sous la direction d'Emmanuel LOZERAND et de Frédéric FRUTEAU DE LACLOS
Prix Hungarica 2018
is awarded to Catherine TAMUSSIN for her thesis entitled "La didactique du français dans la Hongrie de l'entre-deux-guerres: acteurs, outils, représentations" under the supervision of Thomas SZENDE
Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2018
Prix honorifique Lévy-Ullmann en droit et sciences politiques
is awarded to Eugénie MERIEAU for her thesis entitled: "Thai constitutionalism in the light of its foreign borrowings: a study of the royal function."
Under the direction of Marie-Sybille DE VIENNE
Prix Richelieu en lettres et sciences humaines
is awarded to Simon EBERSOLT for his thesis entitled: "Contingence and community. Kuki Shûzô, Japanese philosopher."
Under the supervision of Emmanuel LOZERAND and Frédéric FRUTEAU DE LACLOS
Best Thesis Award 2017
is awarded to Najla NAKHLE CERRUTI for her thesis entitled: "Palestine on stage. Une approche géocritique du théâtre palestinien (2006-2016)" under the supervision of Luc DEHEUVELS (CERMOM)
Membres du jury
Mme SOPHIE BASCH, Professeur des Universités à la Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université.
Mr PATRICE POGNAN, Professeur des Universités à l'Inalco
Mrs ISABELLE RABUT, Professeur des Universités à l'Inalco
Mr DANIEL STRUVE, Professeur des Universités à l'Université de Paris. Director of the UFR - LCAO (Langues et Civilisations de l'Asie Orientale)
Prix de Thèse SHS PSL - Prix Interface Sciences/Humanités
is awarded to Murielle FABRE for her thesis entitled: "The Sentence as a cognitive object. The Neural underpinnings of syntactic complexity in Chinese and French"
Under the supervision of M. Christophe PALLIER (DE at CNRS) and Ms. Xu DAN (PR at INALCO)
Best Thesis Prize 2016
is awarded to Charlotte COURREYE for her thesis entitled: "L'Association des Oulémas Musulmans Algériens et la construction de l'état algérien indépendants: fondation, héritages, appropriations et antagonismes (1931-1991)"
Under the direction of Mme Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN (CERMOM)
Thesis Prize Jury:
Mrs Marie-Christine MARCELLESI, Professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne
Mrs Catherine MAYAUX, Professor Emeritus at the University of Cergy-Pontoise
Mrs Claire MOYSE, Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS
Mr. Vassilis COLONAS, Professor at the University of Thessaly
Mr Mathieu VALETTE, Professeur des Universités à l'Inalco
Prix de thèse du GIS Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans
The first prize is awarded to Charlotte COURREYE, "L'association des Oulémas Musulmans Algériens et la construction de l'Etat algérien indépendant : fondation, héritages, appropriations et antagonismes (1931-1991)", thesis in literatures and societies, under the supervision of Catherine MAYEUR-JAOUEN defended at INALCO on November 28, 2016.
Prix de thèse de L'Institut d'étude de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM)
The third prize is awarded to Najla NAKHLE-CERRUTI, "La Palestine sur scène, Une approche géocritique du théâtre palestinien (2006-2016)",thesis in languages, literature and civilization, under the supervision of Luc DEHEUVELS, defended at INALCO on November 30, 2017.
- Thesis Prize of the Fondation sino-française pour l'Education et la Culture 2016
The First Prize went to Joseph CIAUDO for his thesis entitled: "Sinodicée en question : Essai d'histoire intellectuelle à partir des discours culturalistes de Zhang Junmai (1919-1931)"
Under the supervision of Frédéric WANG (ASIEs) and Anne CHENG (Collège de France).
The Second Prize was awarded ex aequo to Nolwenn SALMON for her thesis entitled "Les journalistes chinois engagés dans le domaine de l'environnement : les équilibres de la critique entre acceptation et refus du politique"
Under the supervision of Xiaohong XIAO-PLANES (ASIEs) and Christian HENRIOT (Université Aix-Marseille).
- Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2017 (Prix Piedallu Philoche en Lettres et Sciences Humaines)
is awarded to Nolwenn SALMON for her thesis entitled: "Chinese journalists engaged in environmental issues. Les équilibres de la critique entre acceptation et refus du politique"
Under the supervision of Mme XIAO PLANES Xiahong (ASIEs) and M. HENRIOT Christian
Mention du Prix de thèse du musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac 2016
is awarded to Charlotte MARCHINA for her thesis entitled: "Faire communauté" : Étude anthropologique des relations entre les éleveurs et leurs animaux chez les peuples mongols (d'après l'exemple des Halh de Mongolie et des Bouriates d'Aga, Russie)
Under the supervision of M. Jacques LEGRAND (ASIEs) and M. Charles STEPANOFF
Best Thesis Prize 2015
is awarded to Charlotte MARCHINA for her thesis entitled: "Faire communauté" : Étude anthropologique des relations entre les éleveurs et leurs animaux chez les peuples mongols (d'après l'exemple des Halh de Mongolie et des Bouriates d'Aga, Russie)
Under the supervision of Mr. Jacques LEGRAND (ASIEs) and Mr. Charles STEPANOFF
Thesis Prize Jury:
Mrs Véronique LE RU, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne,
Mrs Inês OSEKI-DEPRÉ, Professor Emeritus of General and Comparative Literature at the University of Aix-Marseille,
Mr. César ITIER, professor of Quechua at Inalco,
Mr. Hervé LE BRAS, director of studies in history and demography at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
Prix de l'Université 2015 - 2016 du Val de Marne
The first prize ex-aequo is awarded to Marie LORIN for her thesis entitled: La poésie orale peule des pêcheurs de la vallée du Fleuve Sénégal (Pékâne): approche géopoétique" completed under the supervision of Ms Ursula BAUMGARDT (LLACAN)
Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2016 (Prix Aguirre-Basualdo en Lettres et Sciences Humaines.)
is awarded to Charlotte MARCHINA for her thesis entitled: "Faire communauté" : Etude anthropologique des relations entre les éleveurs et leurs animaux chez les peuples mongols (d'après l'exemple des Halh de Mongolie et des Bouriates d'Aga, Russie)
Under the supervision of M. Jacques LEGRAND (ASIEs) and Mr. Charles STEPANOFF
Best Thesis Prize 2014
is awarded to Adrien CARBONNET for his thesis entitled: Coréens du Japon et Japonaises partis vivre en Corée du Nord (1953-2001) - Contribution à l'analyse de la politique étrangère du Japon
Under the direction of Mr. Christian GALAN (CEJ)
Thesis Prize Jury:
Mrs Brigitte BUFFARD-MORET, Professor of Linguistics and Stylistics at the University of Artois
Mrs Catherine DURANDIN, Professor Emeritus of Romanian Language and Civilization at Inalco
Mr Roland ETIENNE, Professor Emeritus of Greek Art History at the University of Paris I, Honorary Director of the Ecole Française d'Athènes
Mr. Jérôme SAMUEL, Associate Professor of Indonesian Studies at Inalco
Mrs Evanghelia STEAD, Professor of General and Comparative Literature at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
is awarded to Evelyne LESIGNE-AUDOLY for her thesis entitled: Du texte à l'œuvre. L'édition commentée du Livre-oreiller de Sei Shônagon par Kitamura Kigin (1674)
sous la direction de M. Emmanuel LOZERAND (CEJ)
Jury of the Thesis Prize:
Mme Françoise ROBIN, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Mme Sylvie ARCHAIMBAULT, Professeur des Universités, Paris Sorbonne
M. Aboubakr CHRAÏBI, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Mr. Emmanuel POISSON, Professeur des Universités, Paris 7
Mr. Zhe JI, Maître de Conférences HDR, INALCO
is awarded to Frank ACKERER for his thesis entitled: Rôle et pouvoir des éditorialistes dans la presse du milieu de l'ère Meiji (1884-1894)
under the supervision of M. Emmanuel LOZERAND (CEJ)
Thesis Prize Jury:
Mme Françoise LAVOCAT, Professeur des Universités, Paris III
MmeEva TOULOUZE, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Mme Claire SAILLARD, Professeur des Universités, Paris Diderot
M. Redouane DJAMOURI, Directeur de recherches, CNRS, CRLAOM.
Mr. Alessandro GUETTA, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
is awarded to Sonia AU KA LAI for her thesis entitled: Hong Kong 1927-1937 : Enquête sur la naissance d'une littérature moderne
under the direction of Ms. Isabelle RABUT (ASIEs)
Thesis Prize Jury:
Mr. Michel ANTELME, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Mme Jacqueline AUTHIER-REVUZ, Professeur des Universités, Paris III
Mr. Jean BESSIÈRE, Professeur des Universités, Paris III
Mme Nathalie KOUAMÉ, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Mr. François MACÉ, Professeur des Universités, INALCO
Call for entries: INALCO Best Thesis Award
Call for entries: INALCO Best Thesis Award
The Doctoral School awards the Best Thesis Prize each year, after deliberation by the Doctoral School Council. This distinction is accompanied by financial support, which may take the form of assistance with publication, translation or financial aid as part of post-doc funding (support for international mobility, etc.).
The thesis must have been unanimously proposed for the Inalco Best Thesis Prize by the members of the jury and must have been defended during the previous calendar year and be publishable quickly.
Call for applications for the 2019 and 2020 Best Thesis Prize
Download the notice for the Best Thesis Prize 2019 and 2020.
Call for entries: Prix de la Chancellerie
Call for entries: Prix de la Chancellerie
By e-mail to:
Each year, the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris awards prizes from the proceeds of gifts and bequests made to the former University of Paris or to certain higher education establishments in the Île-de-France region.
For the year 2024, 52 solemn prizes known as "prix solennels de la Chancellerie des universités de Paris"
If you defended your thesis in 2023 and would like to apply for the Prix de la Chancellerie 2024, the solemn prizes you can apply for depend on the "Lettres et Sciences Humaines" category.
- Your application file must be sent by e-mail to:
Content of application files
For each candidate, the application file must include the following documents, in French:
- a letter of motivation in French (one double-sided sheet maximum);
- a curriculum vitae in French (with postal, electronic and telephone contact details);
- a short summary of the thesis in French (between 500 and 1,000 signs maximum);
- a full summary of the thesis in French (between fifteen and twenty pages maximum);
- the pre-submission reports in French or in the original language ;
- the defense report / minutes in French or in the original language;
- the letter of recommendation from the thesis director concerning candidacy for the Chancellery Prize and, possibly,
that from two (maximum) other members of the jury, in French or in the original language;
- any additional information deemed useful, relating to the work carried out;
- the complete version of the thesis in the original language.
Your application file must be sent by e-mail to in pdf format no later than April 12, 2024
The Doctoral School will select the applications received and allocate them to the Awards according to discipline, before sending them to the Chancellery.
No direct application from a student to the Chancellery will be accepted.
For further information:
Call for entries: Flora Blanchon Foundation Prize
Call for entries: Flora Blanchon Foundation Prize
Appel à candidatures 2023 : Prix de la Fondation Flora Blanchon
The amount of the prize is set at €2,000.
Payment will be made to the publisher of the prize-winning work, in accordance with conditions laid down by agreement, and subject to publication within a maximum of three years of the prize being awarded.
The Flora Blanchon Prize winners are invited to report annually on the progress of their thesis publication.
The application file will include the following documents or copies of documents, written in French:
1. Curriculum vitae with proof of qualifications held;
2. Thesis defense report;
3. Recommendation from thesis supervisor;
4. Letter from a publisher agreeing to publish the thesis, together with a production estimate.
Any incomplete application will be rejected.
The application should be sent to the Secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres:
- by post to 23, quai de Conti - CS90618, 75270 Paris cedex 06, in 12 copies
NB: the thesis should be sent in 1 copy
- and electronically, if possible as a single PDF file, to:
DELIVERY: The deadline for receipt of applications is: Friday, May 12, 2023
Valois" thesis prize Young researchers
Valois" thesis prize Young researchers
Created in 2017 and supported by the Comité d'histoire of the French Ministry of Culture, the Prix de thèse " Valois " Jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs launched its 7the edition this April 2, 2024.
The deadline for applications is 03 June 2024
This prize, which distinguishes three doctoral theses for their quality, originality and essential contribution to the cultural policies of the Ministry of Culture, is a grant for the publication of the thesis. The amount awarded to each winning thesis is 8,000 euros.
The aim of the prize is to encourage researchers in their work on all areas of cultural policy and the institutions that run them. Whatever the disciplines and cultural fields: heritage, creation, media and cultural industries, languages of France, the research will focus more broadly on all aspects of these public policies: institutions, professions, socio-economics of culture, etc. Research will shed light on ministerial policies over the long term. It will address issues of access to culture, transmission of knowledge and social cohesion, and will situate cultural policies within all public policies in favor of territorial development, including with a comparative dimension.
Theses must be written in French and have been defended between 1er January 2023 and March 31, 2024.
The deadline for applications is 03 June 2024
More information (dematerialized application procedure): application and prize rules