DECRIPT Program & Consortium (AMI-SHS)

DECRIPT - Crises and civilizational narratives studied through pluridisciplinarity and fieldwork

DECRIPT is a multidisiplinary research and transfer program that examines how civilizational narratives challenge and reframe universal references, shape contemporary conflicts, and redefine governance schemes. Led by Inalco (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) and bringing together nearly 400 researchers and practicioners from 15 consortium partners and over 40 stakeholder institutions, DECRIPT blends humanities, social sciences, and data analytics to produce empirically grounded, policy-relevant research on these critical challenges. Through its innovative Lab, DECRIPT connects researchers, policymakers, and civil society to develop original analytical frameworks and tools to address and navigate an increasingly narrative-driven global order.


  • Project duration: 2025-2032 2032 (7 years with mid-term review)
  • Status: ongoing implementation; kick-off meeting on June 25 2025
Defining and studying civilizational narratives

Civilizational narratives are socially, strategically and ideologically constructed discourses that articulate specific understandings of historical trajectories, cultural values, and collective roles in the global order. These narratives, mobilized by "civilizational entrepreneurs," profoundly impact world politics in diverse and often contradictory ways. Examples range from the "civilizational standard" used by 19th-century legal scholars to justify European colonization, to contemporary inversions of universalist claims embodied in various government positions: the Russian government's concept of a "civilization of civilizations," the Chinese authorities' "Global Civilization Initiative," and the US administration's claim of defending "Western civilization.”

Beyond the observation of the evolving roots, contents, dissemination patterns and underlying agendas of civilizational narratives, DECRIPT seeks to examine the power structures underpinning their elaboration and their contestations. It contextualizes their historical roots and contemporary adaptations, identifies the various media, habits, and cultural products through which they are spread as well as their cross-regional influences, and evaluates their impact from local to international policies and governance structures.

Modèle de gouvernance du projet DECRIPT
Modèle de gouvernance © DECRIPT‎
Events & Agenda
  • April 2025: publication of academic recruitment opportunities
  • June 25, 2025: Kick-off meeting at Inalco (TBC)
  • September 2025:
    • Lab opening
    • Start of postdoctoral and doctoral contracts
    • Beginning of research and transfer activities
    • January 2026: First calls for projects
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