Environmental and Social Agreement and Inalco's Environmental Policy

The Convention was made up of initial and continuing education students, tenured and non-tenured teacher-researchers, administrative staff, former students and Inalco partners. Convention members were volunteers, chosen on a voluntary basis and by drawing lots. They participated in the Convention right up to the drafting of the "Sustainable Development and Social and Environmental Responsibility" (DD&RSE) Master Plan.
Adopted by a very large majority by the Board of Directors on January 31, this Master Plan comprises five chapters, 18 objectives and 62 actions to be carried out in the 2025-2030 period:
1. Strategy and governance
1. Strategy and governance
Objective 1.1. Develop the "Sustainable development and social and environmental responsibility" culture at Inalco
- Action 111. Encourage the creation of a DD&RSE student association
Objective 1.2. Integrate DD&RSE policy into Inalco's governance
- Action 121. Create a "DD&RSE Commission" reporting directly to the Board of Directors, with the aim of developing the SD DD&RSE
- Action 122. Create a "SD&RSE referent" mission, reporting to the Vice-President for Environmental Responsibility
- Action 123. Present the SD DD&RSE to each new member of the central councils
Objective 1.3. Communicate Inalco's environmental and societal policy
- Action 131. Communicate on the objectives, practices and results of the Convention and the DD&RSE Commission
- Action 132. Develop Inalco's "green and citizen days"
Objective 1.4. Evaluate the establishment's DD&RSE policy
- 141. Have Inalco's SD&RSE policy assessed by an accredited external body
- 142. Present the progress of SD DD&RSE to central councils each year
Objective 1.5. Allocate the necessary resources to SD&RSE objectives
- 151. Devote at least 15% of the budget of the multi-year Contract of Objectives and Means (COMP) signed with our supervisory bodies to SD&RSE objectives
- 152. Measure the proportion of Inalco's own budget devoted to SD&RSE objectives
- 153. Measure the share of the CVEC budget devoted to DD&RSE student life actions
Objective 1.6. Develop fundraising in favor of DD&RSE actions
- 161. Focus the Inalco Foundation on raising funds for Inalco's DD&RSE projects
- 162. Develop DD&RSE projects that meet students' aspirations
Objective 1.7. Use Inalco's strategic partnerships to increase the resources allocated to its DD&RSE actions
- 171. As part of the EUniwell alliance, develop partnership projects with a DD&RSE focus
- 172. Within the framework of Sorbonne Alliance, develop partnership projects oriented DD&RSE
Objective 1.8. Integrate Inalco's social policy provisions into the SD DD&RSE
- 181. Identify and integrate Inalco's social policy decisions in the form of SD DD&RSE actions
2. Education and training
2. Education and training
Objective 2.1. Develop the teaching of DD&RSE subjects at Inalco
- 211. Encourage and support the integration of the subject of ecology into LLCER and SHS courses
- 212. Make available online DD&RSE teaching resources based on content from Inalco's "Environment" cross-disciplinary course
- 213. Develop educational leave for the production of DD&RSE teaching
- 214. Integrate TEDS (Transition environnementale et développement soutenable)
Objective 2.2. Develop an Inalco continuing education (CE) policy in the area of SD&CSR
- 221. Develop an SD&CSR-oriented CE offering based on Inalco's scientific and pedagogical specificities
- 222. Implement a policy of awareness-raising and training for staff and students in DD&RSE in the form of workshops
Objective 2.3. Promote student work on SD&CSR issues
- 231. Create an award for student DD&RSE research dissertations
- 232. Create a DD&RSE student internship report award
- 233. Create an open-access digital knowledge base of DD&RSE student dissertations
3. Research and innovation
3. Research and innovation
Objective 3.1. Identify and take into account DD&RSE issues in the conduct of research projects
- 311. Implement a DD&RSE charter with Inalco research teams
Objective 3.2. Develop research projects linked to DD&RSE issues
- 321. Identify PhD students and teacher-researchers active in the DD&RSE field
- 322. Encourage applications for doctoral contracts in the DD&RSE field
- 323. Monitor calls for DD&RSE research projects
Objective 3.3. Identify and promote research projects related to DD&RSE issues at Inalco
- 331. Identify and promote DD&RSE research projects at Inalco
- 332. Create an Inalco-wide DD&RSE research award
4. Ecological impact of activities
4. Ecological impact of activities
Objective 4.1. Reduce the carbon footprint of Inalco's activities
- 411. Facilitate access to the Pôle des Langues et Civilisations (PLC) for low-polluting two-wheelers
- 412. Implement a plan to reduce the carbon impact of Inalco's activities
- 413. Update Inalco's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Balance Sheet (BEGES)
Objective 4.2. Reduce waste
- 421. Improve signage on recycling containers
- 422. Systematize paper recycling bins for exams
- 423. Systematize paper recycling bins for copiers
- 424. Systematize the reuse of paper for drafts for students and staff
- 425. Increase sharing of copiers and better manage copy volumes
- 426. Introduce one or more annual grants for textbooks and handouts
- 427. Develop the use of instructions
- 428. Follow and reinforce the recommendations of Inalco's energy sobriety plan
Objective 4.3. Complete the energy renovation of the Maison de la Recherche
- 431. Measure air quality in buildings and improve ventilation system efficiency
- 432. Reinforce energy insulation
- 433. Install double-sash windows
- 434. Improve regulation of heating systems
Objective 4.4. Improve the food offer available at Inalco
- 441. Redefine with partners the dietary balance of the non-meat offer present at Inalco
Objective 4.5. Develop a culture and practices of digital sobriety
- 451. Set up and distribute a public guide to reducing the digital footprint
- 452. Create a F.A.Q. for students' administrative questions and publicize it
- 453. Create a chatbot to guide students
- 454. Encourage students to help each other with administrative questions
- 455. Expand use of internal messaging platform
Objective 4.6. Develop an eco-responsible purchasing policy for Inalco
- 461. Identify ecoresponsible suppliers and their performance criteria
- 462. Prioritize ecoresponsibility indicators in purchasing policy
Objective 4.7. Stimulate the development of biodiversity at Inalco sites
- 471. Inventory species present on Inalco sites
- 472. Define an action plan for revegetation and biodiversity development at Inalco sites
5. Social policy and quality of life at work
5. Social policy and quality of life at work
Objective 5.1. Develop a culture of respect and benevolence at Inalco
- 511. Strengthen the system for listening to and reporting violence and communication around its action
Objective 5.2. Strengthen staff skills in areas likely to improve quality of life at work
- 521. Generalize the staff training plan on disability issues
- 522. Implement a cognitive bias training plan for assessment and recruitment
- 523. Implement a training plan for project management and teamwork management
Objective 5.3. Articulate the SD DD&RSE with other documents defining Inalco's social policy
- 531. Link the objectives of the SD Vie Etudiante concerned to axis 5 of the SD DD&RSE
- 532. Link the policy of protecting vulnerable populations to axis 5 of SD DD&RSE
Organigramme Convention environnementale et sociétale - 31 mai 2024 (208.72 KB, .pdf)
Timeline Convention environnementale et sociétale - 2023/2024 (216.45 KB, .pdf)
Affiche Convention environnementale et sociétale 2024 (3.32 MB, .pdf)
Learn about Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (SD&CSR)
The best first step to becoming familiar with SD&CSR issues is to complete the "B.A.-BA of climate and biodiversity" training course offered by the Cned. This 7-hour training course provides basic knowledge of climate change and biodiversity.
Scientific resources are also available, such as the sixth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or the assessments of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
As part of the French government's SD&RS commitments, several ministries have adopted their own action plans for the ecological transition and developed documents to raise awareness of best practices. For example, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has developed the Plan climat-biodiversité et transition écologique de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche and the Schéma Directeur "Développement Durable - Responsabilité Sociétale et Environnementale" (SD DD&RSE) - documents designed to support educational establishments in their ecological transition initiatives. The Ministry has also published a report on the state of awareness among French higher education students of the challenges of ecological transition. Finally, the government has produced best practice guides such as the one on responsible digital use for organizations.
Inalco is not the only higher education establishment to have committed to the ecological transition. Throughout France, establishments such as the Université de Montpellier, the Université de Bordeaux and the Université Grenoble Alpes are adopting and applying their DD&RSE master plans on a daily basis.
You too can become agents of change. Share your ideas with us!