
Presses de l'Inalco has a status of common service guaranteeing its editorial and scientific independence.

Publishing policy

Presses de l'Inalco publishes scientific works. Their editorial offering is organized around collections corresponding to geographical areas - Africa(s), America(s), Asia(s), Europe(s), Mediterranean(s), Oceanies(s) and TransAire(s) - as well as series corresponding to disciplinary groupings - languages and linguistics, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, political, economic and legal sciences, orality, translation.

Presseses de l'Inalco ensures the publication of several reviews, which have their own editorial and scientific committees.

Fundamental principles

  • a requirement for quality thanks to double-blind evaluation;
  • a dual distribution: by AFPUD/DILISCO for printed works and in open access for a wide international audience;
  • publishing licenses under Creative Commons for the protection of authors and their rights;
  • multi-media publications for all works, allowing visual and audio enrichments. A single file (XML-TEI) is used to produce the different versions of a text, paper and digital (HTML, ePUB, PDF).

The Presses contribute through their activity to disseminating the good editorial practices defined within the national framework of the Committee for Open Science.

The Presses team

The operation of the Presses is based on a collegial organization with dual scientific management (scientific co-direction and Presses committee) and editorial management (editorial management and editorial team).

The scientific management of the Presses is carried out jointly by Julie Duvigneau and Nicolas Élias.

The Presses committee is made up of 16 Inalco teacher-researchers joined by 6 external members, who manage the various Presses collections. It meets between four and six times a year to examine book projects submitted to it.

The editorial team consists of Étienne Cayeux (administrative and editorial manager), Cedric Raoul (editor and editorial coordinator), Chloé Bonnier (editor and in charge of promoting the editorial collection) and Victor Wolf (editor).

For contact details, please write to


Presses de l'Inalco is distributed by AFPU-Diffusion (Association française des presses d'universités diffusion) and by DILISCO. To discover new and future releases, follow this link.

Présentation des Presses.pdf (2.24 MB, .pdf)