Digital services and resources
Inalco's REVE service is renewing its loans of computers and/or 4G pebbles to help you if you are having difficulty following courses due to a lack of connection or computer equipment.

Student multi-service card
Student multi-service card
Your student multi-service card is sent to you or given to you when you first register at Inalco. Once you have this card, keep it from one year to the next! It's valid for 3 years - don't throw it away at the end of the year.
Please remember to reset your card at the beginning of the academic year on the terminals provided for this purpose on the second floor of Inalco
Your multi-service card is first and foremost a student card
It attests to your enrolment at Inalco. You'll need it to sit your exams, access multimedia rooms, language laboratories and BULAC. It also enables you to benefit from the various discounts associated with your student status: at municipal swimming pools and theaters, Imagin'R rate, free admission to certain museums, etc.
How does the Izly online account work?
The IZLY payment service enables you to manage, top up and consult the history of your online account from anywhere, at any time. Reloading is carried out directly from your bank account on your computer or via your smartphone. You can also ask third parties (parents, etc.) to top up your account in a single click by credit card.
Izly is not managed by Inalco but by Crous.
The e-mail address used when you registered for administrative purposes at Inalco is communicated to Izly to enable an activation e-mail to be sent. It is possible to receive the Izly activation email again by clicking here.
If this doesn't work, check the email address you gave to the schooling department as well as your SPAM.
The IZLY application is available on the main download stores.
Student digital account
Student digital account
To access all services, you must first activate your student digital account:
Enter the personal email address provided when you registered at Inalco and click "Change". You will receive an e-mail with an active link to reset your password. Please note: make a note of your user ID, choose your password carefully and remember it well; you'll be asked for it when you log on again.
L'Inalco has a Wi-Fi network enabling you to access many teaching tools such as the Moodle platform.
Your computer or smartphone must be in the following coverage areas:
- Grand Moulins site: lecture halls, tiered rooms, 2nd to 7th floor clearances.
- Site de la rue de Lille: the entire site.
To log in, you must have previously activated your student digital account.
The network to select is Eduspot : access is simple and requires no prior configuration. To authenticate, launch a web page. Choose "INALCO - Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales" from the drop-down menu. All you have to do is enter your login and password for your previously activated digital account.
The Moodle platform offers a virtual work and exchange environment that can be accessed at any time, from any computer or phone connected to the internet, and in which will be available course materials and exercises created by your teachers. You'll be able to work independently or in groups, send messages and submit assignments.
To access the Moodle platform you must first:
- Be administratively registered at Inalco
- Have activated your Inalco digital account on
- Have made your inscription pédagogique (IP)
Access to the platform is secure. To log in, enter your student number and the password you chose when you activated your Inalco digital account.
Your personal space
As soon as you log in, you will be directed to your personal space Dashboard, which contains the list of courses for which you are pedagogically enrolled. Note that only courses opened by your teachers are visible.
If some subjects don't appear, first check your pedagogical registration on ENT then contact your teacher to verify that the course is indeed open.
Course content
In your virtual courses on Moodle, you'll be able to find:
- course materials, the syllabus, how knowledge is tested, links to other online resources...
- internal messaging, forums;
- important dates (exams, assignment returns, etc.);
- collaborative work activities;
- online assignment submission and grading areas.
NB: the choice of resources and activities offered on the platform is the responsibility of the teacher.
If you encounter any problems with Moodle
you can report the problem to support: and include a screenshot with your message. Don't forget to consult the FAQ Moodle for students.
Inalco provides a digital working environment (ENT). The principle? Each student has an account enabling them, after unique identification, to access a range of applications, services and digital tools related to their course of study, anywhere and at any time. This single portal gives you access to transcripts, timetables and all information concerning your studies.
To access ENT, your Inalco digital account must be activated.
If you regularly connect to wifi via eduspot or to Moodle, your digital account is already activated, so you don't need to do anything. Use your login and password to connect to ENT.
If you've never connected to wifi or Moodle, you'll need to activate your digital account first. Activating your account will provide you with the identifier and password that will enable you to authenticate yourself on the digital services made available to you: wifi, Moodle, ENT.
The procedure for activating your digital account is explained in the paragraphs above.
Attention: your identifier and password are strictly personal, you must not pass them on to anyone.
Logging into ENT
- In your browser, go to
- Enter your login and password
- Browse ENT
- Check your registration and administrative records
- Check your grades
Media library
The Inalco media library offers Inalco teachers, students and staff a documentary collection (fiction and documentary films) of over 1,500 titles (DVDs) for free consultation on site and home loan, as well as digital resources.
Media library
The Inalco media library offers Inalco teachers, students and staff a documentary collection (fiction and documentary films) of over 1,500 titles (DVDs) for free consultation on site and home loan, as well as digital resources.
The OPAC is a digital service offered by the library, providing users with local catalog data and access to their reader account.
The media library catalog can be consulted at
On-site consultation of audiovisual and digital educational resources
9 multimedia booths with free access for listening to course materials - Kallylang, Sanako, DVD viewing and Internet access. 3 video consultation stations (DVD-VHS) for viewing
audiovisual documents.
How to obtain rights to media library services?
On-site: free access during opening hours
Home loan:
- Registration: bring your valid student or professional card to open your loan rights.
- Borrowing terms:
- Up to 2 DVDs for 7 days (for students and administrative staff);
- Up to 3 DVDs for 14 days (for teachers);
- Loan extension from your account
- Reservation: 1 online reservation, if the document is not available
Inalco Mediatheque VOD platform
The Inalco Mediatheque offers its VOD platform dedicated to its online collections: fiction, animated films, documentaries, Inalco productions.
To join (limited to a number of accounts), registration takes place on site at the médiathèque (room 6.02), with your valid student or professional card.
Room 6.02 (6th floor)
65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13e
Telephone: 01 81 70 10 95
Self-service rooms
Self-service rooms
Inalco offers its student community permanent access to the student self-service rooms on the 6th floor. To access the audio laboratories, multimedia rooms and computer classrooms, you must go through the reception desk in room 6.03, where keys are distributed and collected. The number of places must be strictly respected for safety reasons and to ensure that the equipment works properly.
The computer room - 6.10
You have free access to the 18 computers in this room, configured for Windows Seven or Kubuntu (double boot) with the OpenOffice suite. Each PC is equipped with headphones.
Bachelor's degree students
Each student enrolled in a bachelor's degree program must legibly complete his or her personal e-mail address when filling out his or her registration file.
Bachelor's degree students do not benefit from an e-mail address
Inalco's administrative services communicate on the personal e-mail address provided when registering.
This must be kept up to date; to report a change of address, please send an e-mail to
Master's students
Master's students can benefit from an e-mail address. Accounts are currently opened on request.
To do this, you need to send an e-mail to "messagerie_etudiants @" (remove spaces) with the following compulsory details:
- your first and last name
- your student card number
- the master's degree you are studying
- your personal e-mail address, which must match the one you provided when you registered. If you have changed in the meantime, you must first notify the school secretariat in order to have the address changed in the schooling software.
Any incomplete email will not be processed.
Requests for email accounts for doctoral students or licenses will not be processed.
We are currently working on automating the management of email accounts.
PhD students
Since October 2020, email accounts for doctoral students are created automatically every month. So you no longer have to apply. As a PhD student, you will receive an email from Dirved with your login details in the month following your registration.
If you haven't received anything, contact Dirved.
Consultation and problems
Mail can be consulted at the following address:
Mail addresses for Inalco master's and doctoral students are as follows:
Frequent problems:
- Change of password on first connection
- On connecting to webmail, I get the message "Your password is no longer valid"
If you encounter any other problems, please send an e-mail to messagerie_etudiants @ (remove spaces) specifying:
- your first and last name
- your student card number
- the problem encountered with precision: screenshot or precise error message
Any incomplete mail will not be processed.
Important points
If your account is compromised and sends spam, it will be closed automatically.
To avoid this, you should choose a long password (8 characters minimum) and containing letters, numbers and special characters.
Under no circumstances should you provide your password, either by e-mail or in a form. L'Inalco never needs it.
Forged e-mails are regularly sent with the aim of retrieving your login details or getting you to fill in forms containing your login details, under the pretext of alleged updates or early account closure. Delete these e-mails immediately without clicking on the links or replying to the e-mail.
If in doubt, type "" directly into your browser's address bar to check your e-mail or contact us at messagerie_etudiants @ (remove spaces).
The mailbox identifiers are not the same as those for your digital account.
In accordance with the decisions taken by the establishment, your account will be closed 5 months after the end of the year of your registration (except in the case of re-registration).
Need to borrow computer equipment?

You can apply for a laptop and/or 4G pebble for the academic year (subject to availability).