Back to school at Inalco
To get your university year off to a good start and quickly become self-sufficient, take part in the back-to-school meetings and stands organized from September 9 to 20, 2024 as part of Back-to-School Days. They're an opportunity to familiarize yourself with your new world, and a good way to make a smooth transition from vacation to the start of classes.
Welcome to Inalco!
A true discovery stage, back-to-school days are a moment not to be neglected, as they are the first opportunity to learn a little more about what's expected of you and what's in store for you: how your year will unfold, how classes are organized, meeting the teachers, the options available, how the premises are organized, opening your digital account, access to the library, administrative services, community life, etc.
The back-to-school days are specially dedicated to welcoming and informing first-time L1 students, for whom they are compulsory, but they are just as important for L2 and L3 students who are new to a stream or course, as well as for those newly enrolled in Master's courses and institutional diplomas. We invite you to consult the program of meetings, workshops and courses organized according to your enrolment level.
Happy academic year!
The content of this web page is subject to frequent modification. We recommend that you consult it regularly to ensure that the information is up to date.
The essential
Livret de rentrée 2024-2025 (7.54 MB, .pdf)

Presentation of student cards and stickers
Student card distribution dates for the 2024/2025 academic year will be posted online soon.
The student card (or the 2024/2025 sticker to be affixed to the previous year's card for students re-registering) can only be issued on condition of complete and validated registration.
Back-to-school days
Schedule of back-to-school meetings from September 9 to 13
The back-to-school day is obligatory for students enrolled in the first year of a bachelor's degree, initiation and first year of an establishment diploma.
An email containing all the information relating to this day will be sent to all students by Friday September 6 at the latest. Please check your mailboxes carefully, including junk folders.
Monday, September 09
Welcome day for new students organized by the Student Success and Student Life Department (REVE), the Information, Orientation and Professional Integration Department (SIO-IP) and the Schooling Department (DIS)
To round off the day, the association Confluences Tibétaines invites you to the screening of the film Escape From Tibet by Maria Blumencron, starting at 5pm in amphitheatre 2, to inaugurate this year's cycle of Tibetan films. A second session is scheduled for 7pm. Free and open to all.
Synopsis: While trekking in the Himalayas, Johanna, a young German medical student, falls into a crevasse and comes face-to-face with the frozen corpses of two Tibetan children. She soon finds herself in the midst of exile-related events. Fiction / O.V. English, Tibetan, Mandarin, English s-t / 2012 / 101 min
Monday, September 09
Welcome day for new students organized by the Student Success and Student Life Department (REVE), the Information, Orientation and Professional Integration Department (SIO-IP) and the Schooling Department (DIS)
To round off the day, the association Confluences Tibétaines invites you to the screening of the film Escape From Tibet by Maria Blumencron, starting at 5pm in amphitheatre 2, to inaugurate this year's cycle of Tibetan films. A second session is scheduled for 7pm. Free and open to all.
Synopsis: While trekking in the Himalayas, Johanna, a young German medical student, falls into a crevasse and comes face-to-face with the frozen corpses of two Tibetan children. She soon finds herself in the midst of exile-related events. Fiction / O.V. English, Tibetan, Mandarin, English s-t / 2012 / 101 min
For the day's meetings, please respect the distribution in the amphitheaters, according to the first three letters of the surname.
- 2nd floor:
Amphi 1: from A to CARS
Amphi 2: from CART to DAM
Amphi 3: from D'AN to FOF
Amphi 4: from FON to LEP
Amphi 5: from LE PEL to MAS
Amphi 6: from MAT to PHI
Amphi 7: from PHO to SEN
- 4th floor
Room 4.07: from SENO to TOM
Room 4.14: from to TOMM to WIN
- 3th floor
Room 3.12: from WIR to Z inclusive
9:30-11:30: Welcome and general information
- Welcome speech by Isabelle Konuma, Vice President Delegate for Training and Valérie Lavoix, Deputy Vice President Delegate for Training and History at Inalco by Emmanuel Lozerand, Inalco History Officer.
- Welcome and general presentation by the Service d'information, d'orientation et d'insertion professionnelle (SIO-IP) and with the Direction de la scolarité (DIS)
- Presentation of the missions of the Réussite étudiante et vie étudiante service (REVE)
- Presentation of services related to orientation and professional insertion (by the SIO-IP)
- Presentation of the Réseau Inalco Alumni
- Presentation of the Service événementiel et action culturelle (SEAC)
- Presentation "S'engager pour l'environnement, by Julien Vercueil, Vice-president delegated to environmental valorization and responsibility
- 12:30-13:30 in Amphi 1: welcome to students in the first year of the Diplôme d'établissement (meeting open to re-registrants in the Diplôme d'établissement, and to distance Diplômes). Presentation of diplomas, assessment procedures, timetable, etc.
14:00-16:30: General information (continued)
- International mobility (International Relations Department)
- Awareness of harassment, sexual and gender-based violence and gender equality, with Elisa Carandina and Bénédicte David
- Presentation of the racism and anti-Semitism referent, by Eric Le Bouhris
- Presentation of mentors, student representatives, Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE)
- Presentation of student associations at Inalco
Tuesday, September 10
Information meetings with TAL departments (Licence) and Master
Tuesday, September 10
Information meetings with TAL departments (Licence) and Master
Africa and Indian Ocean
- Department general information meeting(compulsory for all Licence, DL and DLC registrants) : 11h-12h30 Room 4.07
- Yorùbá: 14h-15h30 Room 5.25
- Haoussa: 2pm-3.30pm room 3.16
- Swahili: 2pm-3pm room 3.03
- Swahili, placement test (Licence): 3pm-5pm room 3.06
- Mandingo: 2.30pm room 4.06
- Wolof: Monday 16 September at 3pm in room 4.17
- Amharic: Thursday 19 September at 11am in room 3.17
Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- General departmental information meeting(compulsory for all Licence registrants) : 10:30-11:30 am Amphi 5
- Burmese: L1 information meetings
- Distanciel at 9 am on Zoom: click here to access the meeting
- Presential: 1:30pm-2:30pm room 3.06
- Khmer: Information meeting L1, DL, DLC, Passport, Tempo and Licence+ 11:45am-1pm room 4.06
- Pacific section (Dréhu, Tahitian): Licence, DL, DC, DLC information meeting 11:30am-1pm room 3.02
- Siamese: Licence, DL, DLC, Tempo, Licence+, Bilangue and Passport information meeting 1pm-2:30pm room 3.08
- Vietnamese: Information meeting License, DLC, DL, Passport, Tempo and License+ 11:30am-1pm Amphi 5
- Indonesian - Malaysian: Information meeting L1 11:30am-1pm room 5.12
- Laoitian: Information meeting L1, L2 and L3 1pm-2pm room 4.03
- Filipino (Tagalog): L1 and DL information meeting 11.30am-1pm room 3.04
South Asia and Himalaya
- General information meeting on the department and civilization courses (compulsory for all L1 registrants): 2pm-3.30pm Amphi 5
- Bengali: Licence and diploma information meeting (1 2 3) 3.30pm-5pm room 5.04
- Hindi : Information meeting L1 3:30 pm-5 pm room 4.15
- Nepali : Information meeting Licence and diploma (1 2 3) 3:30 pm-5 pm room 5.20
- Ourdou : Information meeting Licence and diploma (1 2 3) 3:30 pm-4:30 pm room 5.25
- Rromani : Licence and diploma information meeting (1 2 3) 15h30-17h room 3.07
- Singhalais : Licence and diploma information meeting (1 2 3) 15h30-17h room 5.07
- Tamoul : Licence and diploma information meeting (1 2 3) 15h30-18h30 room 3.03
- Télougou : Licence and diploma information meeting (1 2 3) 15h30-17h room 5.03
- Tibetan: Licence, DLC and DLC all levels information meeting 3.30 pm-5 pm room 3.02
- Meeting between L1 students and L2, L3 and master students with the student associations Chaïstani and Tibetan Confluences 5pm-7pm Amphi 6
Arabic studies
- Introductory diploma meeting: 10am-11am Amphi 7
- Oriental Arabic license meeting: 10am-11am Amphi 2
- Maghreb Arabic license meeting: 10am-11am Amphi 3
- Intensive diploma meeting: 10am-11am Room 5.05
- L1 information meeting: 11h-12h Amphi 3
- L2 information meeting: 11h-12h Amphi 7
Chinese studies
- Meeting for students enrolled in initiation (L0): 15h-16h Amphi 4
- L1 information meeting: 14h-15h Amphi 4
Korean studies
- Information meeting L1 + presentation of listening comprehension course (compulsory): 10h-12h30 Amphi 4
- Information meeting L2: 11h30-13h salle 3.08
- Information meeting L3: 10h-11h30 room 3.05
- Level test: 14h-16h Amphi 1
Hebrew and Jewish studies
General department information meeting (Licence, DLC 1, 2 and 3) : 10h-12h room 5.18
A Hebrew test will be organized on September 10, 2024 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in room 311 to divide L1 and DLC1 students, as well as Passport students wishing to take Hebrew courses in the first year, between groups of false and advanced beginners. Passport students wishing to take courses in L2 or L3 must also take this test, failing which they will automatically be redirected to the great beginners level of L1.
Japanese studies
- L1 information meeting: 9h-10h Amphi 1
- L2 information meeting: 10h-11h Amphi 1
- L3 information meeting: 11h-12h Amphi 1
- Master 1 information meeting: 12h-13h Amphi 6
- Master 2 information meeting: 13h-14h Amphi 4.07
Russian Studies
- Meeting for students enrolled in Initiation: 10h-11h Amphi 8
- Meeting for students enrolled in Intensive Diploma (DIR): 11h-12h Amphi 8
- Information meeting L1 and DLC 1: 12h-13h Amphi 8
- Information meeting L2 and DLC 2: 1pm-2pm Amphi 8
- Information meeting L3 and DLC 3: 2pm-3pm Amphi 8
- General departmental information meeting (compulsory for all Licence registrants): 2pm-3pm Amphi 7
- Armenian: Licence information meeting 3pm-4.30pm room 5.01
- Georgian: Licence information meeting 3-4pm room 4.09
- Kurdish: Licence and DLC information meeting 4pm-5pm room 4.06
- Pashto: Licence information meeting 4.30pm-5.30pm room 4.03
- Persian: Licence information meeting 3-4pm room 3.08
- Mongol: Information meeting Bachelor's degree and institutional diplomas 3-4.30pm room 4.04
- Turkish: L1 information meeting 3-4pm Amphi 7
- Turkish: L2 information meeting 4-5pm Amphi 7
- General departmental information meeting (compulsory for all L1 registrants): 10am-12pm Amphi 6
- Albanian: L1 information meeting, L1 - L.A.S and M1 18h-19h room 4.13
- Bulgarian : Licence information meeting 13h-14h room 4.09
- Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian : Licence information meeting 12h-13h room 4.03
- Estonian :
- Distanciel from 19h to 20h on Zoom : click here to access the meeting (DLC1)
- Presential from 1pm to 2pm room 4.08 (DLC1 and Licence L1)
- Finnish: Information meeting L1, DLC 1 (and other levels) 1pm-2pm room 4.05
- Modern Greek: Information meeting Licence 12pm-1.30pm room 3.03
- Polish: Information meeting L1 12pm-1pm room 3.05
- Hungarian: Information meeting Licence L1, DLC1 1pm-2pm room 3.16
- Latvian: Information meeting Licence and DLC 12pm-1.30pm room 3.01
- Lithuanian: Meeting moved to Thursday September 12
- Distanciel from 6pm on Zoom: click here to access the meeting
- Romanian: Information meeting L1 and DLC1 1pm-2.30pm room 4.17
- Slovakian:
- Presential from 6pm-7pm on Zoom: click here to access the meeting (DL1, DL2, DL3)
- Presential from 12pm-1pm room 4.08 (all degrees and levels combined)
- Macedonian: 18-19h distance learning (Licence and DLC): click here to access the meeting
- Ukrainian: Information meeting all degrees and levels combined Licence and Master 13-15h room 5.01
- Diploma in Medieval European Civilization, information meeting 12h-13h room 4.04
Master Mention TAL
The back-to-school meetings for the Master TAL (M1 and M2) will take place at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Campus Nation (8 avenue de Saint-Mandé - 75012 Paris)
- Pre-entry meeting for M1s: 11am-12pm room C117
- Pre-entry meeting for M2s: 10h-11h room C117
- Meeting M2 TAL R&D path: 11h15-12h30 room B112
Meeting "S'engager pour l'environnement", students all levels 13h-14h in Amphi 4, moderated by Julien Vercueil
Wednesday, September 11
L1+ courses, Tempo, Licences Accès Santé, Professionalizing courses, Thematic and disciplinary courses, International mobility and Free Movers
Wednesday, September 11
L1+ courses, Tempo, Licences Accès Santé, Professionalizing courses, Thematic and disciplinary courses, International mobility and Free Movers
Parcours Tempo
- Reception meeting for students enrolled in L1 LLCER parcours Tempo : 9h30-10h30 Amphi 1
Parcours L1 +
- Welcome meeting for students enrolled in LLCER L1 parcours L+ (voluntary L+ students): 10:30-11am Amphi 1
- Welcome meeting for students enrolled in LLCER L1 parcours L+ (YES SI students): 11am-12pm Amphi 1
For more information, visit the page dédiée
Licences Accès Santé (L.A.S)
- Welcome and information meeting on Licences Accès santé L1, L2 et L3 : 14h-16h Amphi 1
Filières professionnalisantes
- Commerce international (CI) L2, L3 et CILO : 11h-12h30 Amphi 4
- Communication et formation interculturelles (CFI) L2 (et L3 intéressés) : 10h30-12h30 salle 3.11
- Didactics of languages (DDL) L2 and L3: 11h - 12h30 room 3.05
- International relations (RI) L2 and L3: 10h-12h Amphi 7
- Automatic language processing (TAL) L2 and L3: 10h-12h room 3.12
Thematic and disciplinary pathways (THD)
- Welcome meeting for L2 and L3 students: 11am-1pm Amphi 2 and 3
International mobility & Free Movers
- Welcome meeting for free movers: 1:30pm-3pm room 3.08
- Permanence international mobility Non Erasmus + : 9h-11h room 3.08
- Permanence international mobility Erasmus + : 11h-12h room 3.08
Thursday, September 12
Welcome day for master's students, Erasmus + and international exchange students
Thursday, September 12
Welcome day for master's students, Erasmus + and international exchange students
Welcome day for master students
General welcome and information meeting for all Master 1 registrants: 10am-12.30pm Amphi 1
- Welcome from president of Inalco, Jean-François Huchet
- General presentation of the Master's level
- Presentation of the Student Success and Student Life Department (REVE)
- Presentation of the Events and Cultural Action Department (SEAC)
- International mobility
- Professional integration (SIO-IP)
- Inalco Foundation
- Quai Branly seminar and delocalized seminars
- Training on the issue of plagiarism
- Questions-answers
Meetings by department or language from 2:00 to 3:30 pm
- Africa, Indian Ocean: 2:30pm-3:30pm - room 3.10
- Southeast Asia and Pacific: in room 4.05
- South Asia and Himalayas: room 3.04
- Arabic studies: room 4.10
- Chinese studies: room 4.15
- Korean studies: 1pm-2pm (for tutors) and 2pm-3.30pm (master's students re-entry) room 3.11
- Hebrew and Jewish studies (Master and DLC 4) : 5.20
- Russian studies : room 5.22
- Eurasian studies : room 5.13
- Japanese studies : Warning ! Japanese studies department meetings take place on Tuesday, September 10.
- Information meeting for Master 1 registrants: 12pm-1pm in room 4.07
- Information meeting for Master 2 registrants: 1pm-2pm in room 4.07
- Europe: room 4.17
- Ukrainian: Attention! Information meeting (Bachelor's and Master's) takes place Tuesday, September 10 4pm-6pm room 4.17
- Information meetings on UE3 "Discipline" of Master LLCER and meetings of other mentions
- LLCER Anthropology course (ANT): No meeting. Information about the pathway will be given during the first session of the compulsory seminar General Anthropology 1
- LLCER Arts and Literature pathway (ARL): to be confirmed
- LLCER History and Social Sciences pathway (HSS) 3:30 pm-5 pm room 3.05
- LLCER Orality pathway (ORA): 3:30 pm-5 pm room 4.03
- LLCER course Texts, Linguistics and Translation (TLT) from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in room 3.11
- Mention Didactics of Languages (DDL) : 3:30pm-6pm room 5.20
- Mention Languages and Societies (LS - COCI) : 3pm-5pm room 5.12
- Language Sciences (SDL): 3:30 pm - 5 pm room 4.17
- International Relations (RI) M1 and M2: 3:30 pm - 5 pm room 5.09
- IT/TL: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm room 4.06
- Mention TI/TSI : 16h30-18h salle 4.06
- Install Party for M1 TAL : 10h-17h salle 3.01
- Information meetings DU passerelle
- 10h30-12h : salle 5.13
- 12h-13h : salle 7.02 and 7.03
Erasmus + and international exchange students
- Welcome meeting for international students: 9am-12pm Auditorium (RDC)
- Meeting for exchange students 1: 2pm-5.30pm room 4.13
- Meeting for exchange students 2: 14h-17h30 room 4.18
Lithuanian Baccalaureate
- Information meeting L1
- Distanciel from 18h on Zoom: Click here to access the meeting
September 10 to 12
Digital workshops
September 10 to 12
Digital workshops
Choose one of the following three webinars and fill in the pre-registration form (mandatory).
- Tuesday, September 10: 1pm-2pm Register for the webinar
This workshop is intended for new Inalco students. If you have already attended this workshop, you do not need to participate again.
September 10 to 13
Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese language courses
September 10 to 13
Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese language courses
Department of Korean Studies (L1)
- Tuesday, September 10 2-5pm: rooms 3.05, 3.13, 5.12 and 5.28
- Wednesday, September 11 9am-1pm: rooms 3.13, 4.06, 4.15 and 5.12
- Thursday, September 12 9am-1pm: rooms 3.13, 4.06, 4.15 and 5.12
- Friday, September 13 9am-1pm: rooms 3.13, 4.06, 5.12 and 5.28
Japanese Studies Department pre-start language course (L1)
- Tuesday September 10 11am-1pm and 3pm-5pm: rooms 4.13, 4.18, 5.08, 5.10 and 5.13
- Wednesday September 11 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm: rooms 4.13, 4.18, 5.08, 5.10 and 5.13
- Thursday September 12 9am-1.15pm: rooms 4.13, 4.18, 5.08, 5.10 and 5.13
- Thursday September 12 3pm-5pm: Amphi 1
- Friday September 13 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm: rooms 4.13, 4.18, 5.08, 5.10 and 5.13
For more information, consultez la page du département d'études japonaises
Stage linguistique de la section de vietnamien (L1)
- Tuesday September 10 14h-15h (théorie) et 15h-17h (pratique) : salle 3.12
- Wednesday September 11 2pm-3pm (theory) and 3pm-5pm (practical): room 3.12
- Thursday September 12: 2pm-3pm (theory) and 3pm-5pm (practical): room 3.12
- Friday September 13 2pm-3pm (theory) and 3pm-5pm (practical): room 3.12
Schedules and meeting rooms are provided for information only and are subject to change.
Association and partner stands from September 9 to 20
A large number of stands from student associations, Inalco administrative services and partners will be on hand from September 9 to 20 from 10am to 5pm to inform you about their actions and activities. You'll be able to meet them every day, in the Hall on the 2nde floor.
mentors will also be on hand to guide new students into Inalco, and provide them with all the information they need to successfully start the new academic year!
The information below is updated regularly.
Monday, September 09
Monday, September 09
- Network Alumni
- Service coordination des formations de l'Inalco (SEFOR)
- Service Réussite étudiante et vie étudiante (REVE)
- Mission Handicap
- Service d'information, d'orientation et d'insertion professionnelle (by the SIO-IP)
- Mentors
- Médiathèque de l'Inalco
- Service événementiel et action culturelle (SEAC)
Tuesday, September 10
Tuesday, September 10
- Service coordination des formations de l'Inalco (SEFOR)
- COP1 - solidarités étudiantes
- Assistantes sociales du CROUS
- Service de Santé Étudiante (SSE)
- Student associations: Bureau des Étudiants, Russinalco, Bulkkot, Troque ta langue, DekSiam, Cercle de discussion marxiste, Dejima, Promethei, and Kurd'Inalco
- Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF)
- Mentors
Wednesday, September 11
Wednesday, September 11
- Student Health Service (SSE)
- Student associations: Bureau des Étudiants, DekSiam, Dejima, Promethei, Kurd'Inalco, Cercle de discussion marxiste, Assila, AESCI and Bulkkot
- A2SUP (Association Accès Santé - Université Paris Cité)
- Olivaint Conference
- Mentors
Thursday, September 12
Thursday, September 12
- Service de Santé Étudiante (SSE)
- Student associations: Promethei, Marxist Discussion Circle, DekSiam, Adet, Chin'alco
- Mentors
Friday, September 13
Friday, September 13
- Student associations: Promethei, Assila, Marxist Discussion Circle, DekSiam, Chin'alco
- Mentors
Tuesday, September 17
Forum professionnel de la Rentrée : Conseils professionnels & Jobs étudiants
Tuesday, September 17
Forum professionnel de la Rentrée : Conseils professionnels & Jobs étudiants
Organized every year by the Service d'Information, Orientation et Insertion Professionnelle (SIO-IP), the "Professional Advice & Student Jobs" Back-to-School Forum brings together companies and institutions interested in the wealth and diversity of skills offered by Inalco students.
The aim of this forum is to offer students advice and information on the opportunities available to them, as well as the chance to exchange views with professionals.
On TuesdaySeptember 17 from 11am to 5pm, you can meet the SIO-IP and its partners:
Thursday, September 19
Cultural Partners Forum
Thursday, September 19
Cultural Partners Forum
The Service de l'événementiel et de l'action culturelle (SEAC) is pleased to invite its cultural partners to a day of meetings with students.
Come and meet the cultural institutions and find out about offers exclusively reserved for Inalco students and staff.
Gifts will be up for grabs via a prize draw at the Service de l'événementiel et de l'action culturelle stand.
The partners present from 10am to 2pm:
Start date - From September 16, 2023
Licence students (Tempo, L1, L2, L3) and establishment diplomas (Initiation, Intensive, DL and DLC levels 1 to 3, DC): Teaching resumes from September 16, 2024.
Master's and DLC4 students : Master's-level teaching will resume for the most part from September 16, 2024. Nevertheless some modifications may occur. For further details, please consult the pages relating to your course or contact the teachers responsible for your course.
Attention : please consult the information concerning the pre-entry courses for the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese Studies departments taking place from September 10 to 13, 2024.
For course schedules and details of the university calendar, please consult the "My day-to-day schooling" page below.
For requests for special study regimes (RSE = exemption from attendance, continuous assessment, ...) and requests for validation of prior learning, please consult the page "Pedagogical registrations" Please respect the deadline for returning your form.
The essentials

Here you'll find all the practical information you need to find your way around Inalco.

Inalco continues to support your studies with access to a wide range of distance learning tools via the Moodle platform. Don't forget to activate your digital account.

For a year now, the Student Success and Life Department has been running a mentoring program. The aim of this program is to support students throughout their university career, by setting up stands and offices staffed by student mentors.
Your studies

University calendar, timetable, exams, regulations and student charters, diploma collection, tuition fees, student card reissue...

Tutoring is a peer support system set up by the R.E.V.E. department to promote student success: it is open to students in the Initiation or DLC 1 diploma, Licence 1, Licence 2, Licence 3.

Inalco offers all students, whatever their level of training, the opportunity to showcase their commitment, whatever it may be (associative, elective, voluntary, civic, etc.).
Campus life

Make your voice heard!
Campus life, study conditions, training opportunities, the future of Inalco...

Inalco brings together a hundred languages, as well as cultures and civilizations that interact and evolve together. The cultural program put on by our students, teachers and partners takes you on a journey each week, and asks you questions about our society.

Inalco's cultural life is punctuated by highlights that recur every year.

Inalco is home to more than twenty student associations, which play a key role in the life and activities of the school: throughout the year, they offer weekly activities, cultural days, or one-off events and stands (food sales, tombola, collections, etc.) in the 2nd floor hall!

Discover Inalco's exciting and varied range of sports activities for students, designed to enrich your university life and promote your physical and mental well-being!

The equality mission is helping to make Inalco more inclusive, to reject all forms of violence and discrimination, and to welcome and listen.
Practical life

As part of our commitment to the success and well-being of our students, Inalco offers a variety of social aid programs and scholarships to support those who need it most.

The RSE enables certain students, particularly those who are salaried, in Civic Service, or those with a specific status or particular constraints, to benefit from accommodations in the course of their studies.

The role of the doctors, nurses and psychologists is to listen to you and answer all your questions, to inform you with clear documentation on health, hygiene, diet and contraception, and to advise you on your pace of life to avoid overtiredness or periods of stress as exams approach.

Eating couldn't be easier: there are several food service outlets close to the buildings on rue des Grands Moulins and rue de Lille. Managed by the CROUS de Paris, this offer gives you access to a balanced diet at lower cost.

When it comes to finding accommodation in Paris, there are several options available to students: from studio rentals to university residences and shared accommodation, there are many choices to choose from.