Scholarships and social assistance

Find out about all the help available below.
Food aids
Food aids
Aid for essential purchases
Inalco continues to offer aid for essential purchases in the form of €50 Carrefour e-cards.
To benefit, you must make an appointment with the social worker by email at
Food aid offered by the Crous
Some CROUS catering sites remain open during the lockdown and deliver complete takeaway meals (lunch and dinner) at €1 for ALL students. Time slots have been extended, and it is now possible to consume packed lunches on site at certain catering sites.
You'll find the full list of open and regularly updated catering sites at the following link: Restauration Crous.
For further information on catering: Se nourrir.
Other food aid
The Paris AGORAé organize food parcel distributions open to all, every Saturday from November 20 to December 19 at, 45 rue des Saint Pères. For more information: AGORAé
The Linkee association, in association with the City of Paris, offers free food baskets or prepared meals, as well as hygiene kits, to all students (with or without scholarships). To benefit from this food aid, sign up by sending an e-mail to and come and collect your parcel on Mondays and Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8pm at 13 rue Jean Antoine de Baïf. More information: Linkee
Le Secours Populaire runs drop-in centers to provide food and clothing aid to students, Tuesdays from 12 to 4pm and Fridays from 11am to 2pm, at 6 rue Albert Bayet. To benefit from these aids, you need to register by sending an e-mail to
For more information: Secours Populaire
The Restos du Cœur association, in association with the City of Paris and Crous, has opened a reception and food aid center dedicated to students with accommodation in Paris. Distributing baskets of dry and frozen goods as well as hygiene kits, this center is accessible, upon registration, on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 9pm, at 8 rue Francis de Croisset. For more information: Restos du coeur
During the lockdown, at the MIE Bastille premises, free food baskets will be distributed to students in need, regardless of resources. The baskets can be made up of fruit and vegetables, canned goods, non-perishable foodstuffs such as rice or pastry dough, honey, bread... To benefit from the food baskets, you need to show your student card (or school certificate) and send an e-mail to: Distributions start on Friday November 27, from 5pm to 8pm, at MIE Bastille (50 rue des Tournelles - 75003 Paris).
Help against precariousness
Help against precariousness
The government has set up an emergency number for students in precarious situations to obtain emergency financial support or help from social services.
The hotline number 0 806 000 278 (price of a local call, not surcharged) is open to students from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
The City of Paris provides washable periodical protection at the two Maison Initiative des Etudiantes sites (50 rue des Tournelles or 76bis rue de Rennes). Momentarily closed due to containment. For more information: Menstrual precariousness
If you need information on health, care and and social security, please visit: Health care
Linkee and the Restos du coeur are distributing hygiene kits.
The University Health Service (SSU) of Université de Paris in partnership with the Crous is equipped with a sanitary protection dispenser. Tampons with or without applicators and sanitary towels are available free of charge in the waiting room of the SSU office on the Saint-Germain campus (45, rue des Saint-Pères 75006 Paris - 1st floor T145). All students can access them during SSU opening hours, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Other dispensers are also available at the University of Paris and in CROUS de Paris residences.
- Grands Moulins (Paris 13ème) Grands Moulins building - Library hall toilets
- Grands Moulins campus (Paris 13ème) Halle aux farines - Hall E - Second floor toilets
- Résidences Crous
To find out more:
Exceptional allowance from the City of Paris
Exceptional allowance from the City of Paris
The City of Paris provides exceptional assistance aimed at residents of Paris (for at least one month), the amount of which varies according to the beneficiary's situation to cope with temporary and unforeseen financial difficulties.
To find out how to proceed, please visit the following website: Allocation de la Ville de Paris.
Scholarships based on social criteria
Scholarships based on social criteria
Who is entitled to a scholarship based on social criteria?
To be eligible for financial aid from the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research or the Ministry of Culture and Communication, you must be under 28 years of age on September 1 of the academic year, and be enrolled in a course eligible for scholarships. Grants are awarded on the basis of three criteria: household income for tax purposes, number of children dependent on the family for tax purposes, and distance from the place of study.
On the basis of these criteria, a national scale is used to award students financial aid.
Scholarship simulator
Applying for a scholarship: the student social file
Students, a scholarship, housing, now's the time!
The Dossier Social Etudiant (or DSE) is the single procedure for applying for scholarships and university residence accommodation. The Dossier Social Etudiant must be completed every year. Students or future students must apply online between January 20 and May 15, 2022, for the start of the 2022/2023 academic year, even before receiving their exam results.
To apply, log on to , section "demander une bourse ou une aide, rubrique "Demande du dossier social étudiant (D.S.E)". Once your file has been validated, an e-mail will be sent to you confirming either the submission of your file, or asking you to return additional documents. More information on social grants? Visit!
Please note! It's essential to fill in a DSE application as soon as possible, even if you don't have all the information you need to assess your situation: changes are always possible later on. The most important thing is to create your online file as soon as possible, as applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
General conditions for the awarding of grants
The student social file guide
Financing your studies with CROUS de Paris
Merit-based aid
Merit-based aid
Merit-based aid is a supplement to the grant based on social criteria for the most deserving higher education students. It is reserved for students who already benefited from it during the previous academic year, or those newly enrolled in a higher education establishment who obtained a "very good" mention in the last session of the baccalauréat.
The student must be assiduous, both in classes and exams. If they fail to do so, their assistance will be suspended. If a student repeats a year, he or she loses the benefit of this aid, unless the repetition is due to serious medical reasons. In addition, merit-based aid is allocated within the framework of an annual quota made available to the académies.
Please note: a student cannot receive merit-based aid more than 3 times.
To receive merit-based aid, students must have submitted a dossier social étudiant (DSE). No further action is required. The rectorat sends the list of baccalaureate holders with Très bien honors directly to Crous, then Crous informs the students who meet the conditions to benefit. The final decision to award or maintain merit-based aid is taken by the host académie's rector and notified to the student.
Merit-based aid can be combined with international mobility aid and emergency aid. The aid is linked to the social criteria grant. If a student no longer qualifies for this grant during the course of his/her studies, the aid is automatically withdrawn. |
Housing subsidies
Housing subsidies
There are several ways for students to find accommodation in Paris: from studio flats to university residences to shared flats... The choice is yours. But other lesser-known formulas can be more practical solutions: find here some indications to guide your search and find the housing mode best suited to your needs.
Crous exceptional assistance
Crous exceptional assistance
To provide students with ever more comprehensive support in their day-to-day lives, Crous has set up a range of exceptional aid packages available at These exceptional aids are allocated according to your needs and resources, and can be useful for everyday expenses (housing, transport, food etc...) or for everyday acts such as a driving license, for which it is recommended to inquire to obtain assistance for the revision free of charge.
Specific aids (ex-FNAU)
Specific aids (ex-FNAU)
In order to best respond to the particular situations of certain students, specific aid can be allocated. They can take two forms:
- either an annual allowance granted to students who encounter perennial difficulties;
- or a one-off assistance in favor of students who momentarily encounter serious difficulties and which constitutes a privileged tool for rapidly providing personalized financial aid.
To benefit from specific assistance, students must be under 35 years of age on September 1er of the year for which assistance is requested. This age limit does not apply to students with a disability recognized by the Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes handicapés.
More information on
REVE assistance

You can apply for a laptop and/or 4G pebble for the academic year (subject to availability).

Dreaming of a summer immersion stay? Find out how we can help.

The Fonds de solidarité et de développement des initiatives étudiantes (FSDIE) finances and promotes student projects and initiatives in the following fields: cultural and artistic (theater, dance, music, writing, cinema), scientific culture, campus events, sporting events, humanitarian and solidarity actions (citizenship, disability, health).