Student representatives
Campus life, study conditions, training opportunities, the future of Inalco...
Your representatives sit on the same board as the other elected members, so they're involved in the decisions taken by the boards that will shape the conditions of your studies, exams and life at Inalco. At any time during your term of office, you can contact your elected representatives so that they can defend your concerns.
Running for office
Elections to the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board

Find out more (dates, how to apply, how to vote...)
Elections to departmental, branch and CFM councils

Find out more (dates, how to apply, how to vote...)
Elections to the Training and Student Life Council

Find out more (dates, how to apply, how to vote...)
Representative bodies
The Board of Directors
Chaired by the institute's president, Jean-François Huchet, it comprises 40 members, including 8 student representatives (2 1styear students in the 1er cycle, 2 PhD students and 4 other students).
It determines, among other things, the general orientations of the establishment, the teaching and research program as well as the establishment contract, the rules relating to student admission conditions, the establishment's internal regulations, the budget....
The activities of the Board of Directors:
- It adopts the internal regulations;
- It determines the university's bylaws and internal structures;
- It votes the budget, approves the accounts;
- It defines, manages applications for accreditation to award national diplomas;
- It sets, on the President's proposal, the allocation of jobs;
- It authorizes the President to take legal action;
- It adopts the rules relating to examinations;
- It approves the annual activity report, which includes a balance sheet and a project presented by the President.
Student representatives on the Board of Directors sit on a number of committees: the Studies Committee, the International Relations Committee, the Budget Committee, the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee, and the User Disciplinary Section.
The scientific council
The role of this council is to:
- analyze the institution's educational and scientific situation;
- participate in the development of the teaching and research program;
- be consulted on the allocation of budgeted research credits;
- be consulted on the creation of professorial posts.
6 doctoral student representatives sit on the board.
Department and stream councils
Each Inalco department has its own council. They organize the department's courses and examinations based on the guidelines defined by the Conseil des Formations et de la Vie Étudiante (CFVE), and discuss their pedagogical choices.
The number of student representatives varies according to the number of students in the department, but also according to the number of teaching staff (so as to ensure a certain proportion of students on the council).
The Conseil des formations et de la vie étudiante (CFVE)
It develops and coordinates all of Inalco's training programs (course organization, calendars, examination procedures, etc.).
6 student representatives sit on it.
The master's training commission
The commission develops and coordinates Inalco's various master's programs (mock-ups, calendars, mobility assistance for master's students, etc.).
6 master's student representatives sit on this commission.
The Doctoral School Council
The Doctoral School Council is responsible for developing and implementing the scientific and pedagogical orientations of the Doctoral School. In particular, it deliberates on applications for admission to doctoral studies, and on the awarding of doctoral contracts and other funding.
5 doctoral student representatives sit on the Council.
Councils whose student representatives are chosen indirectly
The CVEC commission (CoCVEC)
It decides on funding for student projects, travel assistance, social aid, etc. It manages the CVEC fund (Contribution Vie Et Campus). It manages the CVEC fund (Student and Campus Life Contribution).
There are 1 student elected to the Board, 1 student elected to the Board of Governors, 3 students elected to departmental councils and 4 students from student associations.
The User Disciplinary Section
The User Disciplinary Section examines cases and meets as a judging body when a student is the subject of disciplinary proceedings (exam fraud, harassment, etc.). It meets only when disciplinary proceedings have been initiated.
This section has 8 students, appointed from among the student representatives on the Board of Directors.
The Research Commission
Coordinates research activities and prepares meetings of the Scientific Council
2 doctoral student representatives on the Scientific Council.
The Budget Committee
This committee is involved in drawing up budgets and budget policy, which are then voted on by the Board of Directors.
This committee includes 3 students elected to the Board of Directors.
Other commissions with student members:
The Bylaws and Internal Regulations Commission: proposes changes to the internal regulations. It comprises 11 members, including
one student elected to the Board of Directors. -
The International Relations Commission: proposes strategic orientations for Inalco's international relations. It is chaired by the Vice-President in charge of international relations, and includes 1 student elected to the Board of Directors.
The permanent section: it can deliberate on matters falling within the remit of the Board of Directors. It comprises 8 members, including 1 student elected to the Board.
The Advisory Electoral Committee: meets before each election, to approve the by-laws organizing the election. It is made up of 6 members, including 1 student elected to the Board of Directors.
The Exemption Commission: studies requests for exemption or reimbursement of registration fees. It is composed, among others, of a student elected to the CFVE.

Here you'll find the names and contacts of student representatives on the main Inalco boards and commissions.