Student Life Office (BVE)
On December 16, 2022, the Board of Directors adopted the creation of the Bureau de la vie étudiante (BVE).
This office was officially installed on January 20, 2023. On this occasion the five members of the general secretariat who run the BVE were elected, two of whom are on the VPE seats on the CFVE and CoCVEC.
The BVE is made up of elected student representatives from the central councils (CA and CS), CFVE, CFM and department councils, as well as representatives of Inalco's student associations.
The BVE is a consultative body that defines work themes and future projects. It also participates actively in various working groups (future ENT, CROUS...) and is involved in students' day-to-day lives (well-being, equality, harassment prevention...).
She is entrusted with several missions, including:
Mediating between elected student representatives, student associations and departments, and the institution's presidency,
Dynamizing student and association life at Inalco,
Accompany the various associations and support them in carrying out their projects
Implement actions to support the development of student citizenship.
Statuts du Bureau de la Vie étudiante (652.93 KB, .pdf)

The BVE is made up of student representatives from the central councils (CA and CS), CFVE, CFM and department councils, as well as representatives of Inalco's student associations.