Student regulations and charters
Student charters
As a registered student at Inalco, you are bound by the following charters of intellectual honesty, good conduct and good usage (please download and read them carefully).
Charte contre le plagiat (180.12 KB, .pdf)
Charte du bon usage des ressources informatiques (310.96 KB, .pdf)
Assessment of knowledge
The terms and conditions for testing knowledge detail the rules applicable to exams and the calculation of results. These basic rules constitute "the law" of the examination. Below, you will find the complete text of the modalities of knowledge control for the year 2024-2025 approved at the Conseil des formations et de la vie étudiante on September 20, 2024 and at the Conseil d'administration on September 27, 2024.
Modalités de contrôle des connaissances (MCC) 2023 - 2024 - Cadrage général (1003.14 KB, .pdf)
MCC appendices
Modalités de contrôle des connaissances - annexe Réussite étudiante - Licence + (899.1 KB, .pdf)
Dispositions spécifiques Licences LAS 2024-2025 (439.59 KB, .pdf)
Exams charter
The purpose of the exams charter is to determine the practices to be implemented and respected for all Inalco courses in terms of exam organization and the conduct of tests. In it you will find the detailed instructions in force for the conduct of examinations (download and read).
charte des examens (85.94 KB, .pdf)
Rules for distance examinations
The rules for distance examinations aim to describe the general framework for distance assessments at Inalco by recalling the main rules relating to the organization and conduct of distance examinations.
Règlement des examens à distance (68.18 KB, .pdf)
Charter for the proper use of videoconferencing tools
Faced with the health situation engendered by COVID-19, Inalco has put in place tools to ensure pedagogical continuity and has created a charter for the proper use of videoconferencing tools, which users will need to take note of, and undertake to respect. The purpose of this charter is to remind users of what is expected in the context of the new teaching methods that have been put in place.
Charte de bon usage des outils de visioconférence (529.18 KB, .pdf)
Composition des jurys Diplômes d'établissement, Licence et Master
Diploma juries are voted on each year. Here are those for the current academic year.
Composition des jurys de diplômes - année 2024/2025 (4.85 MB, .pdf)