Erasmus+ mobility

Students enrolled at Inalco from L1 to PhD can submit an application for Erasmus+ mobility.
- A mobility project requires careful consideration, discussion with your academic advisors and preparation well in advance of departure.
- It is not possible to take part in an Erasmus+ exchange semester during the first year of a Bachelor's degree. However, you may submit an application for the following academic year.
- Unfortunately, you can not take part in an Erasmus+ mobility if you are currently repeating a year. It is also not possible to participate in mobility programs with the AJAC status.
- Students participating in an Erasmus+ mobility must have proficiency in the language of instruction of the host university. Proof of this proficiency may be required.
The selection of mobility applications is carried out by an academic advisor from Inalco, the department’s international relations coordinator, a representative of the professional program if applicable, and the International Relations Commission.
The Erasmus+ program
The Erasmus+ program
Inalco has signed numerous agreements with European universities in application of the Erasmus+ Charter issued to Inalco by the European Commission.
Inalco participates in the Erasmus+ program by pursuing its mission along 2 axes:
- The development of its cooperation within Europe: strengthening "orientalist" poles and links with partners in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, whose languages and cultures are taught at Inalco.
- The development of its cooperation with Third Countries (non EU countries, Asia in particular) whose languages and cultures are taught at Inalco.
The Erasmus+ exchange program enables students to spend part of their degree course at a European university partnering Inalco, with financial assistance from the European Commission.
Student mobility aims to provide students with an immersive experience and/or complementarity to their studies. A study contract is signed between the student, Inalco and the partner institution.
The courses that the student takes at the host university will be recognized and validated at the end of the stay (in agreement with the referent teachers at Inalco and provided that the student passes their exams on site) as part of the degree for which the student is registered at Inalco. The duration of the mobility can vary between 3 months and one academic year.
Eligible students are students from L2 to PhD, enrolled at Inalco in main registration during the academic year of their departure.
Erasmus+ scholarships
Erasmus+ scholarships
The Erasmus+ mobility grant is awarded by the European Commission and issued by the institution to all program beneficiaries.
The amount is calculated according to the exact number of days of mobility and is defined according to the group classification of host countries:
Group 1
Countries participating in the program with a high cost of living: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden + United Kingdom
Monthly amount*: €450
Groups 2 and 3
Countries participating in the program with a medium/low cost of living: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
Monthly amount*: 400 €
Social-criteria-based scholarships (CROUS scolarships) will be maintained for beneficiary students taking part in an Erasmus+ mobility, as long as an attendance waiver request form is filled out.
*Amounts and group constitution are subject to change from one academic year to the next.
The application form
The application form
To put together an application file, it is necessary to:
- Get to know the Erasmus+ Student Charter
- Consult the list of Erasmus+ agreements (see below)
- Contact the teacher responsible for international relations in your department, a teacher from your study section, and your professional track teachers (if applicable) to discuss your mobility project
- Contact the International Relations Department to find out about the application procedure.
Two application periods are organized each year:
- A main application period (October - February). The exact dates depend on your department of study. Applications can be submitted for a departure in Semester 1, Semester 2, or for the full academic year of the following year. All destinations are available during this period.
A complementary application period (September - October), which is very short – the dates are the same for all departments of study, and the selection of available destinations is limited (depending on our partners' schedules and the remaining spots after the main application period). Applications can be submitted for a departure in Semester 2 of the current academic year.
Information sessions are systematically organized before the opening of the mobility application periods. We regularly communicate via email, on display screens, and on the International News page to inform you about the opening of application periods. - A CV and a motivation letter in French, addressed to the head of your academic department and the professional track office (if applicable)
- Your completed mobility project (30 ECTS per semester), signed by your academic advisors (department and professional track, if applicable)
- Your current year’s enrollment certificate
- Your transcripts of grades obtained since you joined Inalco
I have been selected
I have been selected
Once your application has been accepted, the person in charge of the Erasmus+ program will contact the partner institution to announce your nomination. The host university will then contact you directly to inform you of their decision and, if favorable, of the procedures to follow.
WARNING: Your mobility departure is not confirmed until you have received an acceptance letter from the host institution!
You will then complete the Erasmus+ mobility contract and your Online Learning Agreement (a study plan specific to Erasmus+ mobility). These documents will ensure the financial and academic monitoring of your mobility before, during, and after your study period.
Department students must imperatively have their learning agreement validated by their department head. The validation of all three pedagogical representants (department's international relations representant, professional track representant and host university's coordinator) is therefore essential for the students concerned.
Any course not included in the learning agreement that was not approved by the aforementionned pedagogical representants will not be eligible for recognition of prior learning on your return from mobility.
It is also essential to stay in touch with your professors and the Erasmus+ pole of the International Relations Department during your mobility.
You will also need to provide the person in charge of the Erasmus+ program at Inalco with your contact details (local address and telephone number) so you can be reached quickly should any emergency arise.
Documents useful for your mobility:
Participation of people with fewer opportunities
Participation of people with fewer opportunities
The Erasmus+ program pays special attention to the educational and technical support for individuals recognized by the program as having "fewer opportunities".
A flat-rate financial supplement, called the 'inclusion' grant, is provided to cover additional costs related to mobility (specific accommodation, assistance during travel, medical follow-up, material support, home care, personal assistance, etc.), ensuring equal access to Erasmus+ mobility for all. The amount is €250 per month.
The primary beneficiaries are participants with disabilities (physical, mental, or chronic illnesses), students receiving social-criteria-based scholarships ( (CROUS scholarships level 6 and 7), and residents of Priority Neighborhoods (QPV) and Rural Revitalization Zones (ZRR).
For further information, you can contact
Erasmus+-funded internships
Erasmus+-funded internships
In addition to scholarships for study mobility, the Erasmus+ program offers you the opportunity to benefit from a scholarship as part of your internship abroad.
The monthly amounts applied per country group and world region are as follows:
Group 1
Countries participating in the program with a high cost of living: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
Monthly amount*: €650
Groups 2 and 3
Countries participating in the program with a medium/low cost of living: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
Monthly amount*: 600 €
*Amounts are subject to change from one academic year to the next.
Additional aid for people recognized as having fewer opportunities and support for so-called soft mobility (train, boat, carpooling with BlablaCar) also apply to internship mobility.
What are the eligibility criteria?
- Perform your internship outside France in one of the destination mentioned above
- Be enrolled in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral program at Inalco in the year of your mobility
- Perform an internship lasting 2 to 6 months (full-time)
How to apply?
- Check that you meet the scholarship's eligibility criteria
- Apply for a internship agreement from the SIO-IP (
The Erasmus+ pole ( will work with the SIO-IP to identify and contact eligible students directly. The decision to award the scholarship depends on available funding.
I have been selected:
Once your application has been selected, it is imperative that you follow the procedure you have been informed of by email and provide all supporting documents before you leave for your internship:
- Internship agreement signed by all three parties (you, your host organization, Inalco)
- Internship mobility kit
On your return from your internship, you'll need to provide a certificate of attendance in order to receive the remainder of your scholarship.
Any failure to comply with one or more of these requirements will justify a refusal of the scholarship.
For any questions or further information, please write to
Master's mobility
Master's mobility
Please note that departure conditions differ depending on the master's program in which you are enrolled:
- Master Didactics of Languages (DDL) : study mobilities possible but no credit recognition, internship mobilities more encouraged in S2 of M2. For further information please contact Mr. Damien Bresson.
- Master Langues et sociétés (communication interculturelle) : study mobility not allowed, internship mobility encouraged outside course periods. For further information please contact Mr. Damien Bresson.
- Master Management and International Business (MCI) : study mobilities not allowed, internship mobilities encouraged outside course periods.
- Master Relations internationales (RI) : study mobilities not permitted, internship mobilities encouraged from April.
- Master Sciences du langage (SDL): study and internship mobilities possible.
- Master Traitement automatique des langues (TAL) : study mobility not allowed, internship mobility encouraged after M2 S2.
- Master of Translation and Interpretation (TI): international mobility mandatory on S8 or S10
- Master MEEF (Métiers de l'enseignement, de l'éducation et de la formation) : information to be confirmed
Réunion - Mobilités Erasmus+ 2024-2025.pdf (3.17 MB, .pdf)
brochure mobilités erasmus S2 2024 2025
Brochure_Partenaires Erasmus+_étu_2024-2025.pdf (1.56 MB, .pdf)
Charte de l'étudiant Erasmus+.pdf (1.22 MB, .pdf)