Apprenticeship programmes
Since 2010, Inalco has been offering sandwich courses at Master's level. "Apprenticeship programmes" is a training system based on alternating practical and theoretical phases.

Apprenticeship programmes allow you to:
- Combine work in a company with university training.
- Train for free.
- Have the status of an employee.
- Have a stable income during your studies at a minimum of 53% of the minimum wage.
- Acquire a state-recognized diploma or professional trade.
- Apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during university training in the professional environment.
- Develop operational and professional skills in the chosen trade.
- Easily launch into a professional career on completion of studies.
- Benefit from guidance advice from a company referent or a tutor who is a member of the teaching team.
Two types of work-study contracts
Theapprenticeship contract aims to obtain a state diploma (Bachelor's, Master's) or a professional qualification.
The professionalization contract aims to acquire a recognized professional qualification (a diploma or professional qualification; a certificate of professional qualification (CQP); a qualification recognized in the classifications of a national collective agreement).
These two types of alternation are established in the form of a limited-term contract (CDD) or an unlimited-term contract (CDI).
The duration of the apprenticeship period can vary from 6 months to 3 years and 4 years for alternating apprentices with disabilities.
The duration of the professionalization period can vary from 6 months to 1 year and up to 4 years for disabled alternating students.
- Be admitted to a course of study approved for alternating training.
- The apprenticeship contract is available to people aged 16 to 29 or 30 if disabled worker, top-level sportsman or with a project to set up or take over a business requiring the diploma being prepared.
- The professionalization contract is available to people:
- age 16 to 25;
- jobseekers aged 26 and over;
- receiving the revenu de solidarité active (RSA), the allocation spécifique de solidarité (ASS), the allocation adulte handicapé (AAH) or have benefited from a contrat unique d'insertion (CUI).
Currently, Inalco offers a sandwich course (apprenticeship only) for around 50 students in two streams:
- International Trade at M1 and M2 level (1 to 2 years).
- International Relations at M2 level (1 year).
As part of the development of its work-study training activities, Inalco has identified several professionally-oriented master's programs that are keen to set up work-study courses for the start of the 2024 or 2025 academic year.
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