Information and orientation
Preparing the transition from high school to university
Preparing the transition from high school to university
3 types of events dedicated to informing the public are organized throughout the year:
- Student fairs: L'Etudiant, Studyrama, Le Figaro
- High school forums
- Inalco open day
Exchanges with middle and high schools
Inalco is partnering with 17 schools, middle and high schools, as part of the Cordées de la réussite. The project aims to encourage secondary school students, particularly those from priority education networks or rural areas, to continue their studies through the discovery of higher education and the specificities of Inalco.
Meet the mentors
Student mentors enrolled in various Inalco courses are on hand to support new students throughout the year: getting their bearings at university, administrative procedures, choosing courses and TDs, methodological help... Come and meet them!
Building your study project
The service offers personalized support to help each student build his or her study project.
Building your study project
The service offers personalized support to help each student build his or her study project.
Documentation room
Located on the second floor, a documentation room is freely accessible to students. The aim is to gather information and reflect on the construction of study and professional projects.
Nb : Consultation is on site only. Document lending is not possible.
You'll find the following resources:
- Actuel-CIDJ: resource binders on guidance and integration
- Guide to employment resources
- IJBOX, the CIDJ's digital toolbox for better guidance. SIO-IP advisors can help you with your documentary research using this multifunctional tool, which gives you an overview of career paths, job opportunities, internships, university exchanges abroad...
Opening times
- Monday 2pm to 5pm
- Tuesday, Wed, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm then from 2pm to 5:30pm
Events dedicated to guidance
- Open day
- High school forums
- Student fairs
- Information and guidance day
- Events of the Objectif Master scheme
In order to find out more about Inalco's training courses, you can consult the range of courses on this page.
Reorienting yourself
Reorienting yourself
Are you enrolled in the first year of a bachelor's degree or in the initiation and are unsure of your direction? The reorientation scheme is for students who wish to reorient themselves at the end of semester 1 or semester 2. Reorientation is an opportunity for any student who finds that the course they are enrolled in is not right for them.
Note: It is advisable to attend classes, especially for scholarship holders.
If you don't want to lose your scholarship or have to pay it back, we advise you to attend classes until the end of the year or after confirmation of your reorientation within the establishment.
Eligibility criteria vary from university to university, and some institutions may require transcripts.
It's strongly recommended that you make an appointment with a guidance professional to get advice and take stock of your study path as soon as possible!
Don't miss out on the reorientation webinars organized each year in October and November.
Inter-semester reorientation
The inter-semester reorientation is aimed at registered students who wish to reorient themselves to join the new curriculum in January (start of the second semester).
There is no semester reorientation offered at Inalco, but the service is present to support you in your project.
A meeting is organized every year in November.
Annual reorientation
Students wishing to reorient at the end of semester 2 (at the end of the year) must make vows on the Parcoursup platform on the dates it opens to enter applications.
What is the purpose of the reorientation form?
It is used to enhance the reflection on your reorientation path.
It is optional and its absence does not penalize your application. You can download it directly from your Parcoursup account and then make an appointment with the SIO-IP at the following address:
The fiche de réorientation is issued only after an interview with the SIO-IP or the PsyEn.
F.A.Q Reorientation
Do you have specific questions about the reorientation procedure? Find the answers in these frequently asked questions.
F.A.Q Reorientation
Do you have specific questions about the reorientation procedure? Find the answers in these frequently asked questions.
Can I reorient myself within Inalco in another language for the second semester?
→ No, it is not possible to reorient oneself within Inalco itself. However, it is possible to reorient yourself at another institution.
I want to reorient myself: what are my steps?
→ Inter-semester reorientation for the second semester: you need to go to the eCandidat of the university you want to apply to and make the request directly on the platform. It is essential to attend the reorientation meetings proposed by the SIO-IP department.
→ Annual reorientation for the following year: the application is made directly on the Parcoursup platform. All applications for the first year of higher education are made on Parcoursup even if you are already a student at Inalco.
Is the reorientation form compulsory?
→ It is not compulsory but is strongly recommended in order to support your application to the university you wish to apply to.
Nb: It's important to note that some universities have their own reorientation form that the SIO-IP department will be able to sign after a compulsory appointment with the PsyEN or a department advisor.
Do I have to notify Inalco if I want to stop taking courses and reorient myself?
→ No. However, it is advisable to notify your pedagogical secretariat of your deregistration.
Should I continue to attend classes during my reorientation process?
→ As your reorientation is not certain, it is preferable to continue attending classes so as not to be "defaulting" and therefore risk losing your Crous grant.
I want to reorient myself but I don't know which course to take. I'm lost: who can I turn to for help?
→ Don't hesitate to make an appointment with the PsyEN at our department, so that you can be advised in your choice of reorientation.
Do I have to pay tuition fees and CVEC again?
→ No, you don't have to pay tuition fees again. Regarding the CVEC, your payment is annual and therefore only made once on the Crous website ( For recipients of the Crous grant, please note that it may be withdrawn and you may have to repay it if you miss more than three classes without justification.
Is there a deadline for reorienting yourself?
→ We invite you to consult the websites of the universities for which you wish to apply. Each university has its own timetable (note that reorientation procedures end for many of them at the end of November/beginning of December). It is important to follow the webinar for intersemetrial reorientation organized by the universities each year in November.
After a reorientation, will I lose my access rights to BULAC?
→ No, as Bulac is an institution and organization independent of Inalco, your registration is annual.
Who should I turn to within Inalco to discuss my wish for reorientation?
→ Contact the SIO-IP department in office 2.01. Make an appointment by sending an e-mail to the following address: indicating your surname, first name, student number, year and language of study and telephone number. Please be concise and clear in your request so that it can be processed as quickly as possible.
Make an appointment with an advisor
Make an appointment with an advisor
Individual appointments are organized on Tuesdays with the SIO-IP team and on Thursdays with the national education psychologist.
Why request an appointment?
- To help you build your career path and take stock of your pursuit of studies
- To support you in your reorientation
- To broaden your future prospects and define areas for improvement
- To remotivate you
- To prepare for your professional integration
Book an appointment :
- For Inalco students, appointments can be made on the Inalco Career Center of JobTeaser, in the Appointment section. To access it, simply activate your account with your Inalco credentials.
- For people outside Inalco, simply send an e-mail to indicating your surname, first name, telephone number, subject of the appointment and your availability.
We also intervene in the context of reorientation. This scheme is aimed at students who wish to change course between the first and second semesters. The reorientation form is issued by the service following a compulsory interview.
For further information on reorientation, please see the "Reorienting" and "Reorientation F.A.Q." sections above.
Note: In the case of annual reorientation, i.e. for the following year, all applications to the first year of higher education must be made on the Parcoursup platform, even if you are already a student at Inalco.
Documentation on reorientation
Webinaire SCUIO IDF de réorientation intersemestrielle avec les universités - Novembre 2024 (2.29 MB, .pdf)
Se réorienter après un semestre dans l'enseignement supérieur - brochure de l'Académie de Paris (1.94 MB, .pdf)
Se réorienter - les bonnes questions à se poser - Novembre 2023 (237.46 KB, .pdf)
La réorientation en L.AS et PASS - Novembre 2023 (102.29 KB, .pdf)
Our event selection

Inalco, 65 Rue des Grands Moulin, 75013, Paris