Recognition and appreciation of commitment
The student commitment recognition scheme enables students to obtain either a 3-credit EC or bonus points on their overall grade point average. In all cases, the skills acquired as part of the commitment are recorded in the descriptive appendix to the diploma.
In addition, the Special Study Regime (RSE) is open to committed students, enabling them to better reconcile their studies with their commitment.

What is "commitment"?
Getting involved means helping to build the society we want to live in, in a spirit of openness, solidarity and responsibility. This commitment enables students to develop the skills, knowledge and aptitudes they have acquired in parallel with their university education, and prepares them for their professional integration (valorization on a CV, for example).
Who's concerned?
Students enrolled in a Bachelor's degree (L1, L2, L3), a Master's degree 1 or an institutional diploma (excluding distance-learning institutional diplomas and intensive diplomas) are eligible for this commitment-enhancing scheme.
What activities are eligible?
volunteering with an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, in particular student associations that have signed the Inalco associations charter and associations recognized as being of public utility;
activities related to an elective mandate within the various bodies of the establishment (Board of Directors, Scientific Council, Training and Student Life Council, CVEC Commission, Master's Training Commission, Department and Branch Councils, Student Life Office), within the boards of directors of the CROUS, CNOUS, CNESER, in national, state or local authorities ;
volunteer involvement in Inalco programs such as : support and assistance for students with disabilities, student health relay missions, educational tutoring, leading activities deployed as part of the cordées de la réussite program, the environment agreement, etc.
volunteering in civic service missions;
military commitment in the operational reserve;
volunteering commitment in the armed forces;
enlistment in the national police force's operational reserve;
enlistment as a volunteer firefighter;
volunteering in humanitarian or first-aid work (Protection civile, Croix rouge, etc.);
Commitment must be voluntary, benevolent and secular. It must serve a general interest and convey values of solidarity, mutual aid and citizenship. It must represent a minimum of 30 hours of activity during the academic year in which the valorization is requested.
How is your commitment valued?
Depending on the course in which you are enrolled, the recognition of your commitment can take the following forms:
For students enrolled in a Licence or Diplôme d'établissement in a level that includes a UE libre, the pedagogical recognition of student commitment is part of this UE Libre in the form of a "Student Commitment" EC allocated 3 ects. The EC is validated, without a grade, in the second semester of the academic year.
For students enrolled in a Licence or diplôme d'établissement in a level that does not include a UE libre, as well as for students enrolled in Master 1, student commitment is valued by obtaining a bonus granted by the Commission de validation de l'engagement étudiant (CV2E) that the admissions jury for each course can integrate into the student's overall annual average, for a maximum of 0.5 points /20. The bonus is awarded on the basis of the mark awarded by the CV2E to the student's activity report and defense, according to the scale indicated in the framework text.
In addition to the system for validating the skills you have acquired through your commitment, the Special Study Regime (RSE) may enable you to better reconcile your studies and your commitment.
What are the assessment procedures?
The assessment focuses on the skills you have acquired, particularly cross-disciplinary skills, in connection with your university course and the personal and/or professional benefits you have derived from them, as well as the way you report on your experience and your capacity for reflective analysis of your commitment.
The assessment is based partly on an activity report (Cf. full dossier) and partly on an oral presentation before the Student Commitment Validation Commission (CV2E). The average of the two marks thus obtained determines the validation of the "Student Involvement" CE or the awarding of a bonus (depending on the course in which you are enrolled).
The activity report of around 15,000 signs will present the nature of the involvement and describe the host structure, the quantity and quality of the involvement, the actions carried out and the difficulties encountered, the personal skills, knowledge and aptitudes developed, and the benefits to the institution and/or the community. This report will be graded out of 20.
The hearing before the CV2E will consist of a presentation followed by an interview. During the presentation (10 minutes), you will present the skills you have developed. This audition will be graded out of 20.
Your ability to clearly present the issues at stake in your action, to propose a reflection on this commitment and on the skills you have acquired is the main evaluation criterion (cf. evaluation scale in the framework text).
The main evaluation criterion is your ability to clearly present the issues at stake in your action, to propose a reflection on this commitment and on the skills you have acquired.
How to validate your action?
1 - Application: download the application form and send it completed to, before the deadline (see calendar below).
2 - Information meeting: you are required to attend the information meeting organized in mid-November on the occasion of the Commitment Forum.
3 - Application validation: the REVE department checks the admissibility of your application against the criteria listed in the framework text and the opinion of the head of the course in which you are enrolled. In mid-January, REVE informs you of the admissibility of your application and your definitive enrolment in the scheme.
4 - Training: you are required to take part in the workshops offered during the second semester (help with writing your activity report, identifying and promoting skills, public speaking, etc.).
5 - Submission of activity report: download the activity report file and send it to REVE, with a copy to your head of structure/device/consultancy, before the deadline (see calendar below). Incomplete or late applications will not be examined. Valid applications are forwarded to the members of the Evaluation Commission (CV2E), who evaluate them.
6 - Evaluation: you will be invited to an audition by the CV2E, which evaluates your written application and your oral presentation. The commission communicates the results of its deliberations to the Registrar's Office.
7 - Validation: in preparation for the juries, and depending on the course in which you are enrolled, the DIS will enter on your transcript either the validation of the "Student Commitment" CE assigned three ects credits, or the CV2E's proposal for a bonus, which the course's admissions jury may integrate into your overall annual average In all cases, the DIS will enter the skills, knowledge and aptitudes validated by the CV2E in your diploma supplement.
Calendar 2023-2024
Information meeting on November 15 from 4:30pm to 6pm in room 4.07
Commitment forum: November 15, 16 and 17, 2023
Deadline for sending your application to December 20, 2023 at noon
Date of notification of the admissibility of your application file: mid-January 2024
Dates of training workshops: March / April 2024 (the precise dates will be communicated to you at the beginning of March)
Limit date for sending in your activity report file: 2 mail 2024
Audit of your activity report file: mid-May (you will receive a convocation specifying the date and time of your defense)
Useful documents (downloadable below)
Livret de la Valorisation de l'engagement étudiant 24-25 (3.8 MB, .pdf)
Dossier de candidature (178.61 KB, .pdf)
Valorisation de l'engagement étudiant
Dossier de rapport d'activité (100.56 KB, .pdf)
Valorisation de l'engagement étudiant
Valorisation engagement étudiant - grille d'auto-évaluation des compétences (49.14 KB, .xlsx)
Attestation d'engagement étudiant (162.46 KB, .pdf)
Valorisation engagement étudiant
Texte de cadrage de la valorisation de l'engagement à l'Inalco (222.46 KB, .pdf)
Portefeuille de compétences (1.47 MB, .pdf)
Édité par le ministère en charge de la vie associative
Portefolio Animafac - Identifier et valoriser les competences acquise (2.19 MB, .pdf)
Pour vous aider à identifier et valoriser vos compétences acquises
Régime spécial des études (RSE) (884.47 KB, .pdf)