Preparing to enter the job market

Building your professional project
Inalco helps students build their study and career plans. The aim is to find the most appropriate training for successful professional integration:
- Think about your professional project as early as possible. This will evolve over time
Be aware of your qualities and areas of interest - Confront your ideas with the reality of the world of work, by doing an internship, an exchange abroad, going to professional conferences and forums, finding out about job market trends
- Adopt an active methodology: be curious, make appointments with professionals, draw up your CV and cover letter.
Make an appointment with an advisor
Make an appointment with an advisor
Individual appointments are organized on Tuesdays with the SIO-IP team and on Thursdays with the national education psychologist.
Why request an appointment?
- To help you build your career path and take stock of your pursuit of studies
- To support you in your reorientation
- To broaden your future prospects and define areas for improvement
- To remotivate you
- To prepare for your professional integration
Book an appointment :
- For Inalco students, appointments can be made on the Inalco Career Center of JobTeaser, in the Appointment section. To access it, simply activate your account with your Inalco credentials.
- For people outside Inalco, simply send an e-mail to indicating your surname, first name, telephone number, subject of the appointment and your availability.
We also intervene as part of the reorientation. This scheme is aimed at students who wish to change course between the first and second semesters. The reorientation form is issued by the department following a compulsory interview.
For further information on reorientation, please consult the dedicated page.
Career area (JobTeaser)
Career area (JobTeaser)
Are you looking for an internship, a job or a student job? Find all our offers and news on our career space (!
- Offers : internships, fixed-term contracts, open-ended contracts, student jobs, vacancies, civic service
- Make an appointment on Tuesdays with the SIO-IP team, or on Thursdays with the national education psychologist (PsyEn)
- Agenda of events linked to professional integration organized by the department and its partners
- Follow the news from the professional world
- Contacts via the directory
- Documentary resources
Trade conferences and professional forums
Trade conferences and professional forums
The cycle de conférences métiers is organized from October to May. Its aim is to present different business sectors, profiles in demand and career prospects. The companies and profiles are diverse: alumni, teachers, representatives of ministries or the private sector.
The conferences take place on Tuesdayand Thursday evening. Find information on the career area.
The professional forum brings together several national and international companies, NGOs or public institutions interested in the rich and diverse skills of Inalco students.
Cover letter and CV workshops
Throughout the year, the SIO-IP department organizes workshops to help you write your CVs and cover letters to support your internship or job search.
Workshops with APEC
A partner of Inalco, the Association pour l'emploi des cadres is the national operator of the Conseil en Evolution Professionnelle (CEP). The association organizes many webinars aimed at future graduates: objective first job, how to talk about remuneration, presenting yourself at the job interview, building your network, workshop for PhD students... You'll also find surveys on the integration of young graduates. Don't forget to create an account!
Building your network
Building your network
My Jog Glasses
First networking platform in Europe, My Job Glasses connects students with mentors.
Inalco Alumni Network
Inalco Alumni is the professionally-oriented network of Inalco students and alumni. Groups are created by course, interest and geographical area. It provides access to job offers, as well as keeping up to date with events organized for the community (news), promoting exchanges of experience, and consulting the directory and CV library.
Registration is free for all students enrolled in initial training!
Career opportunities
In 2019, Inalco has redesigned its training offer, which consists of 4 Bachelor's degree courses and 9 Master's degree mentions focused on professional integration.
Internships are compulsory in the Bachelor's and Master's programs for students enrolled in professionalizing courses. It is also compulsory for students in the Master LLCER pro course, and strongly encouraged for students enrolled in the LLCER program. An internship is an opportunity to discover the world of work and to confront one's representations with reality.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities
Jobs are mainly in teaching, translation, interpreting, multilingual engineering, international relations, tourism or cultural mediation. The press, publishing and communications sectors also employ language graduates.
Having a command of one or more languages is also an asset for working in humanitarian aid. To benefit from a wider range of career opportunities, it is advisable to complement your language training with a specialization in law, communications or business, for example.
Some examples of professions
At bac +3
Executive assistant, forfaitiste, ticket agent, travel escort. Civil service entrance examinations are available with a bachelor's degree.
At bac +5 and above
Language professions: translator, interpreter.
International relations professions: embassy cultural attaché, journalist.
International trade professions: international consultant, international buyer.
Communication professions: web project manager, event communications manager.
Teaching and research professions: teacher, researcher.
Luxury and tourism professions: customer advisor, digital marketing manager.
Culture professions: multilingual tour guide, publisher.
Inalco Alumni Network
Inalco Alumni Network
Inalco Alumni is the professionally-oriented network of Inalco students and alumni. Groups are created by educational background, interests and geographical area. It provides access to job offers, as well as keeping abreast of events organized for the community (news), promoting exchanges of experience, and consulting the directory and CV library.
Registration is free for all students enrolled in initial training!
Our news selection

Professional integration

Professional integration

Professional integration
Our event selection

Inalco, 65 Rue des Grands Moulin, 75013, Paris