Internship agreements

Please make sure you submit your application no more than four working days before the start of your internship if you want to receive your signed agreement on time.
In the case of a compulsory internship for your curriculum
At the end of your internship, don't forget to complete an internship evaluation form (document to download below) and transmit it to the pedagogical secretariat of your major or department.
Criteria and procedures
Criteria and procedures
Students must check whether their course of study entitles them to an internship agreement. The curriculum must represent a total hourly volume of at least 200 hours of classes over the year. To do this, students can consult their course brochure, or contact their teaching secretary.
Note: this means that certain school diplomas (notably some "DL - language diplomas") and "Passeport Langues O' " type courses are not eligible for an internship agreement.
The student then puts together an application file for an internship agreement. To be complete, this file must include the following:
- The internship agreement, properly completed and signed by all parties (with the exception of the General Services Department).
- The student's signature
- The host organization's signature and/or stamp
- The internship tutor's signature
- The signature of a teacher in the student's department of study
- A certificate of school attendance for the current academic year.
- A attestation of civil liability insurance, which must explicitly state that internships are covered for their entire duration.
In the event that your internship takes place (even only in part) abroad, you must also provide two additional documents: a attestation of repatriation, health and hospitalization insurance; a receipt of your correct registration on Ariane, the Ministry's platform, accessible via this link.
Any changes during your internship (telecommuting, hours, end date of internship, etc.) must be the subject of a AVENANT, downloadable in French or in English.
Please note that any incomplete application (essential text fields on the internship agreement or rider not completed, signatures missing, supporting document not provided, etc.) is systematically rejected.
After signature of the agreement by the SIO-IP, a scanned version of it with all the signatures will be sent back to you by e-mail from the address
You are then authorized to start your internship!
Working conditions
Working conditions
Dates and duration
Your internship must under no circumstances exceed the date on which your rights as an Inalco student expire, set at:
- If you are in L1, L2, M1 or institutional degree: August 31.
- If you are in L3 or M2: December 31.
In no case may an internship exceed 6 months full-time (924 consecutive hours)with the same host organization.
If your internship exceeds a total hourly volume equivalent to two months full-time, your host organization is legally obliged to gratify you, i.e. to provide financial compensation for the work you've done.
The minimum amount of an internship gratification is set at 15% of the hourly social security ceiling, or 4.35 euros per hour as of 2024. Social security ceilings are in principle re-evaluated every year.
Note: internships abroad may derogate from this principle, as host organizations established in other countries are not subject to French legislation.
F.A.Q Stages
F.A.Q Stages
Which department should I turn to about the internship at Inalco?
→ The SIO-IP department with the internship agreement manager (office 2.01): you can go there without an appointment during the opening hours indicated on the office door.
How many agreements do I need to sign, and by whom?
→ A single agreement signed in the following order by: the host organization, the referring teacher and finally the student.
Nb: For the MEAE or the Ministry of the Armed Forces, these are the organizations that sign last.
Who can be my internship referent?
→ A tenured teacher (university professor, lecturer or agrégé).
Does my advisor have to be from my own department?
→ For students on professional courses, the advisor must be attached to your course.
Example: For an internship in the L2 Japanese International Relations course, the advisor must be a teacher in the International Relations department. This is usually the department director. The referent teacher decides in agreement with the department of the course concerned.
→ For students in the Master LLCER pro course, the referent is a teacher from your department of study more closely related to your field of internship: translation, communication, economics...
→ For students in the LLCER course, the internship is not compulsory but recommended. The referent is a teacher from your department of study.
Example: For a Bachelor's or Master's LLCER Chinese internship, you choose a teacher from the Chinese studies department.
What are the minimum and maximum lengths of an internship?
→ There is no minimum length. The maximum duration of an internship is 6 months full-time equivalent, or 924 hours.
Are we compulsorily paid by the company?
→ Yes, from 309 hours (15% of the Social Security platform, or €4.35 per hour in 2024). Below that, the organization is free to reward the intern or not.
How do I know if my internship is suitable for my field?
→ Ask your department (director, teacher).
Can I apply for an internship throughout the year?
→ Yes. However, for non-compulsory internships, they can only start in the second semester of L1 (subject to the agreement of the pedagogical team and the SIO-IP).
What is the deadline for handing in my internship report?
→ It depends on the course: please ask your pedagogical secretariat for information.
Should I keep the same internship tutor throughout my course (in M1 and M2)?
→ Although unusual, this is possible subject to agreement with the studies department.
Is it my professor who decides whether or not to validate an internship with a company?
→ Yes.
Can I do the same internship two years in a row (e.g. in a Master's program)?
→ No, there's nothing to prevent a student from doing an internship with the same organization or company two years in a row. This agreement is left to the free discretion of the referring teacher or department management.
Can I do a non-compulsory internship as part of a Licence LLCER degree?
→ Yes. This is strongly recommended in the summer or outside class hours during the academic year.
Should I use the same template for the internship report, as the one on the website?
→ No, it depends on the internship referent and the department. Please enquire with your pedagogical secretariat.
Where can I find internship offers at Inalco?
→ You can come and consult the binder of internship / CDD / CDI offers, available in the hall on the 2nde floor at the SIO-IP reception and information point (as well as on the Jobteaser platform, coming soon).
Convention de stage FR 2024-2025 (427.94 KB, .pdf)
Convention de stage EN 2024-2025 (685.71 KB, .pdf)
Avenant convention de stage FR 2024-2025 (222.26 KB, .pdf)
Avenant convention de stage EN 2024-2025 (194.65 KB, .pdf)
Fiche d'évaluation stage 2024-2025 (163.13 KB, .pdf)
Carnet de bord du stagiaire (170.91 KB, .pdf)
Guide des stages étudiants en France et à l’étranger - Edition 2022 (2.46 MB, .pdf)