Equality Mission

This dimension is built up on a daily basis through awareness-raising and training campaigns. Scientific reflection initiatives around equality are proposed throughout the year. They are dedicated to the forms, languages and practices that combat violence and discrimination, as well as to the critical views that different cultural and linguistic areas have developed on these issues. Targeted training courses are available to enable collective reflection on any action that might threaten the maintenance of an inclusive, egalitarian and safe context.
A listening unit is available to students, teachers and administrative staff at Inalco: you can contact the referente mission égalité Elisa Carandina and consult the référente harcèlement Benedicte David, office 4.30.
For cases of discrimination or harassment on the grounds of ethnic or national origin or religion (real or assumed) or so-called "race", you can contact the racism and anti-Semitism referent Eric Le Bourhis at mission.racisme@inalco.fr.
Inalco action plan relating to professional equality between women and men and against sexist discrimination, acts and violence
Plan d'action Inalco (999.39 KB, .pdf)
VSS awareness modules
In order to prevent and combat sexist and sexual violence, Inalco is making two awareness-raising modules available to students and teachers.
This 50-minute training course raises awareness of sexist and sexual violence. It enables students to:
- know the different forms of sexist and sexual violence recognized by French law;
- master the notion of consent;
- identify situations at risk;
- know Inalco's listening and support system;
- combat collectively against all forms of sexist and sexual violence
The modules can be consulted all year round on the Moodle platform.

A selection of resources and links for information on equality-related topics.