Taking care of yourself

Social security
If you're entering higher education
If you're enrolling for the first time in a higher education establishment, and you're a French national, you'll automatically be affiliated to a compulsory health insurance scheme for reimbursement of your healthcare costs, usually that of your parents or legal guardians, whatever that scheme may be (general, agricultural or other).
You don't need to take any steps for this affiliation, but take advantage of the opportunity to create an account on ameli.fr (general scheme), MSA (agricultural scheme) or any other special scheme management web space in order to collect your future healthcare reimbursements.
If you were already a student in 2021/2022...
If you are continuing your studies in 2022/2023 and were registered with a mutuelle étudiante (as a management center), you will automatically switch to a classic scheme.
Since August 31, 2019, all students previously attached to a mutuelle étudiante for their social security are automatically attached to the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie of their place of residence. Student mutual insurance companies, alongside the Assurance Maladie, continue their preventive health actions and offer complementary health insurance specifically adapted to students.
More information on www.etudiant.gouv.fr
Prevention and care
Preventive medicine
Every student can be seen in complete confidentiality at the university health service to:
have a preventive health check-up with a doctor (if you have an identified pathology or long-term treatment), or with a nurse;
have a consultation with a psychologist ;
check vaccinations, bring them up to date and obtain a vaccination certificate;
establish a study and exam accommodation plan (after visiting Inalco's mission handicap). To do so, please call the medical secretariat directly or send an e-mail to grands-moulins.ssu@u-paris.fr
International students can also be seen for a health check and verification of vaccinations.
Université Paris Cité - Campus des Grands Moulins
Bâtiment Sophie Germain - RdC sur cour
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75013 PARIS
Université Paris Cité - Campus des Grands Moulins
Bâtiment Sophie Germain - RdC sur cour
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75013 PARIS
Tramway - Avenue De France (line T3A)
RER - Bibliothèque François Mitterrand (line C)
Bus - Bibliotheque Rue Mann (lines 62 and 89)
Tel: 01 57 27 94 60
To make an appointment: SSE Campus Grands Moulins
- For students with handicap, please contact the secretariat directly.
- Students who have already been enrolled at a French university, or who are working, are not required to undergo this medical check-up (if you are in this case, please send proof to the student life office).
Student Health Service (SSE) CAMPUS SAINT GERMAIN
1er étage, porte T145
45, rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS
Student Health Service (SSE) CAMPUS SAINT GERMAIN
1er étage, porte T145
45, rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS
Métro - Saint-Germain des Prés (line 4)
Métro - Mabillon (line 10)
RER - Musée d'Orsay (line C)
Tel. : 01 76 53 10 58
For your information, the preventive medicine department has a health center offering consultations in general medicine, medical gynecology, nursing, dental care and psychiatry. The health center is under sector 1 agreement (no extra fees), so please bring your carte vitale and a means of payment (credit card, check, cash) to benefit from third-party payment.
To book an appointment: SSE Campus Saint Germain
Student Health Service (SSE) Campus Nation
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Bâtiment A.0 C - RdC
8 avenue de Saint-Mandé
75012 PARIS
Student Health Service (SSE) Campus Nation
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Bâtiment A.0 C - RdC
8 avenue de Saint-Mandé
75012 PARIS
Métro - Nation (lines 1, 2, 6 and 9)
Métro - Picpus (line 6)
RER - Nation (line A)
Tel: 01 45 87 40 32
To make an appointment: SSE Campus Nation
Student Health Service (SSE) Centre Pierre Mendès-France
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
8ème étage B8 008
90 Rue de Tolbiac
75013 PARIS
Student Health Service (SSE) Centre Pierre Mendès-France
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
8ème étage B8 008
90 Rue de Tolbiac
75013 PARIS
Métro - Olympiades (line 14)
Métro - Tolbiac (line 7)
Bus - Tolbiac - Baudricourt (lines 62, 64 and 83)
Tel: 01 44 07 89 50
To book an appointment: SSE Centre Pierre Mendès-France
More information on the University of Paris ESS website
IMPORTANT: On the day of the medical check-up, present yourself with your student card and your health or vaccination record.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, contact 15 (Samu)
Fil Santé Jeunes - Anonymous and Free
Accessible 7 days a week, from 9am to 11pm, the Fil Santé Jeunes enables you to talk to a health professional who provides answers to any need for listening, information, advice and guidance, in a free and confidential expression. All subjects can be addressed: emotional and love life, sexuality, emergency contraception, abortion, pregnancy, body, illness, ill-being, depression, suicidal thoughts, access to reception and care centers...
Menstrual precariousness
At Inalco
Inalco continues its commitment against menstrual precariousness!
Free menstrual protection dispensers are installed in the washrooms on:
- 2e floor: lecture hall corridor and student association corridor
- 3e floor
- 4e floor
- 5e floor
You'll find tampons with and without applicators, as well as normal-flow and heavy-flow pads.
Outside Inalco
La Ville de Paris et s'engage et mises à disposition des protections périodiques lavables dans les deux sites de la Maison étudiantes (50 rue des Tournelles, Paris 3 or 76bis rue de Rennes, Paris 6). Find out more
The Student Health Service (SSE) of Université de Paris in partnership with the Crous is equipped with a sanitary protection dispenser. These free menstrual product dispensers offer pads and tampons, 100% organic and environmentally friendly. Learn more
Counselling and psychological support
Stress, loneliness, loss of motivation, dropping out, family problems, worries about the future, malaise...
Students can benefit from support whether face-to-face or remotely. Numerous opportunities to be listened to or accompanied by a psychologist are offered free of charge, in the Paris academy.
Inalco psychologist
Inalco is mobilizing to support and accompany you psychologically. To do this, you can contact a psychologist to discuss your concerns.
Inalco psychologist
Inalco is mobilizing to support and accompany you psychologically. To do this, you can contact a psychologist to discuss your concerns.
Your request for a consultation may concern very different situations, temporary or long-lasting, such as stress, a depressive experience, a drop in academic performance, a life ordeal, family upsets, difficulties in relationships with others, problems linked to food or an addiction, or questioning about your future life...
To make an appointment, simply send an e-mail to : soutien-psy@inalco.fr
The psychologist will be able to give you an appointment as soon as possible. You will receive a free, confidential consultation.
BAPUs - University psychological assistance offices
BAPUs - University psychological assistance offices
These counseling centers are open to all students seeking psychological help. Their teams are made up of psychotherapists (psychiatrists and psychologists), social workers and an administrative service.
APASO: psychological helpline
Do you feel lost, stressed, isolated?
APASO: psychological helpline
Do you feel lost, stressed, isolated?
A free psychological helpline is available to support you and help you find a solution.
Consultations are held daily by clinical psychologists from APASO-Paris, at the Centre de médecine de prévention, 26 rue du faubourg Saint-Jacques,75014.
Consultations are confidential and free of charge
To make an appointment
To book an appointment
Appointments are made with the APASO-Paris secretariat:
either by telephone: 01 40 47 55 47
or by e-mail: etudiants@apaso.fr
Acca: the psychological support hotline
Anonymous, free and available 24/7
Acca: the psychological support hotline
Anonymous, free and available 24/7
The Listening Line: 0800 73 08 15
Psychologists listen to you at any time to understand your situation.
For international students, the exchange will be in English or Spanish by appointment.
For international students, the exchange can be in English or Spanish by appointment.
Consultations are handled by your Crous without appointment or waiting time, with psychologists subject to professional confidentiality.
Nightline: a listening service run by students for students
Supported by the Crous de Paris, Nightline is a listening service run by students, for students.
Nightline: a listening service run by students for students
Supported by the Crous de Paris, Nightline is a listening service run by students, for students.
The French line is open 7 days a week from 9:00 pm to 2:30 am during the academic year. You can speak with a student volunteer by phone or chat.
There's no bad reason to call. Student volunteers are trained to talk about anything, so if you're feeling blue in the evening or just want to talk about a movie you saw at the cinema, don't hesitate to get in touch. That's what they're there for.
To contact the French-speaking Nightline:
By chat: www.nightline-paris.fr
By phone: 01 88 32 12 32
The English line is open Thursday through Monday:
By chat: https://www.nightline.fr/en/paris
By phone: 01 88 32 12 33
Le Kit de Vie, a CVEC-funded tool
Nightline launches the Kit de vie, a new resource for taking care of your mental health through a personalized journey including mini-games, training, activities and summary sheets.
The Santé Psy Étudiants program
It gives all students access to free sessions with a psychologist as close as possible to their home or place of education.
The Santé Psy Étudiants program
It gives all students access to free sessions with a psychologist as close as possible to their home or place of education.
I consult a general practitioner who refers me to a psychologist if I need one
I make an appointment with a partner psychologist
I can follow up, if necessary, up to 8 sessions fully covered, without any advance payment
Go to the dedicated platform for discover the Santé psy étudiant scheme
Le site soutien-étudiant.info
Le site soutien-étudiant.info
This site, originally developed during the Covid confinement periods, offers you solutions to take care of your mental health during your studies.
The site soutien-etudiant.info lists a range of advice as well as a directory of psychological support services by academy.
Ecoute Etudiants Île-de-France
Ecoute Etudiants Île-de-France
You want to talk? This site has been designed for you by psychological support professionals, you'll find information, advice, practical exercises to do at home and you can benefit from teleconsultations (up to 3 free of charge) with psychologists.
This site has been designed for students in the Île-de-France region. It's your site.
Social assistance
Social assistants, bound by professional secrecy, help students experiencing social, family or personal difficulties. They help with study projects, inform students about CROUS services and/or direct them to various external organizations (CAF, BAPU, social services).
If your request concerns your scholarship, housing or CVEC application, please use exclusively the contact form via your account messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr
Inalco social worker
To get in touch with Inalco's social worker, Ms RABAI, please make an appointment by email below.
The specific aid system
Crous social workers are responsible for implementing the specific aid scheme under:
The annual allowance : this aid is the equivalent of a social criteria grant.
L'aide spécifique ponctuelle: this aid is designed to enable you to continue your studies despite a serious situation arising during the academic year.