Developing your entrepreneurial project

Want to start your own business? The information, orientation and professional integration service is a member of the Pépite CréaJ IDF network, whose mission is to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit and support the projects of all students and young graduates in higher education.
Fusée en propulsion
Entrepreneuriat - Illustration © eamesbot‎

The Pépite has a rich and diverse environment at its disposal: entrepreneurial mentors, school referents, experts, partner incubators.

The aim is to provide the keys to successfully carrying out the business creation project through 4 axes: raising awareness, training, supporting and connecting.

Two statuses are offered:

  • The Statut National d'Etudiant Entrepreneur (SNEE)is open to students enrolled in initial training. Students can have their professional internship validated under this scheme
  • The Diplôme d'Etudiant Entrepreneur (D2E)is open to young graduates.

Three application sessions are open each year:
Before June 15/October 15/January 7