2023-2024 career conference cycle

27 November 2023
  • Professional integration

  • Orientation

  • Campus life

Every year, the SIO-IP organizes a series of career conferences, starting at the beginning of the school year and running throughout the year. Alumni, professors and institutional representatives from ministries and companies come to present the different sectors of activity and profiles in demand, as well as the career prospects available after training at Inalco. The speaker's presentation is followed by a question-and-answer session with the audience.
Auditorium rempli d'étudiants
Auditorium du Pôle des langues et civilisations © Laure Abouaf ‎
Contenu central

These events are open to Inalco students and alumni upon registration.

Tuesday, October 24 at 5pm - Living abroad with the Working Holiday Program by Julie Meunier, co-founder and communications manager of Pvtistes.net

Thursday, October 26 at 5:30pm - Study and paid experience: with the Société de Traduction et Interprétariat it's possible! by Hicham Kordi, director of development at STI - Service de Traduction & Interprétariat

Thursday, November 9 at 5:30 pm - Changing course, making a success of your intersemester reorientation by Laura Vezant, psychologue de l'Éducation nationale au Centre d'Information et d'Orientation des Enseignements Supérieurs (Sorbonne Université) et à l'Inalco

Tuesday, November 14 at 5pm - Career opportunities at the Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides by Marie-Anne Berlioz, référente déontologue - laïcité - alerte éthique, and Nanée Malek-Stanians, recruitment and partnerships officer at OFPRA

Thursday, November 16 at 5:30pm - Entreprendre pendant ses études avec Pépite et Enactus France by Laurane Boullay, coordinator of Pépite CréaJ IDF and head of the student-entrepreneur diploma; Benoit Durand, regional student program manager at Enactus France and Manon Lanneau, Pépite CréaJ IDF entrepreneurship project manager

Tuesday, November 28 at 5pm - Committing internationally with France Volontaire by Charlotte Chiron, head of communications at France Volontaires

Tuesday, December 5 at 5pm - Gathering information, analyzing and communicating in risky terrain : the UN observers' mission in Syria, by Enora Chame, writer and Colonelle, Ministry of Armed Forces

Thursday, December 7 at 5:30pm - Becoming a political advisor in the French Army with Michael Benhamou, Director of OPEWI - Europe's War Institute, former political advisor to the French Armed Forces and NATO

Thursday, December 21 at 5:30pm - Working in Vietnam: les atouts de la maîtrise des codes linguistiques et culturels with Bela Hegedus, Conseiller-Adjoint de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle de l'Ambassade de France au Vietnam

Thursday, February 8 at 5:30pm - Presentation of the "Linguist expert in geopolitics mentioning Russian, Arabic or Chinese language" curriculum with Saïd THOUQAN and Hervé TRIBERT, CNAM Défense

Tuesday, February 27 at 5pm - Meeting with European Personnel Selection Office with Marika Kozlowska, Student Ambassador for European Careers 2023 - 2024

Thursday, March 7 at 5:30pm - From idea to screen: the stages of French film production with Romain Gaillard, Post-Production Director, Unité Films, Film Production Company in Paris

Thursday March 14 at 5:30pm - The benefits of country and language expertise in strategic intelligence professions with Elsa Chalaux, China Director, ADIT

Tuesday April 2 at 5pm - Career opportunities at the French Foreign Security Agency with DGSE public relations officer