2023-2024 career conference cycle

These events are open to Inalco students and alumni upon registration.
Tuesday, October 24 at 5pm - Living abroad with the Working Holiday Program by Julie Meunier, co-founder and communications manager of Pvtistes.net
Thursday, October 26 at 5:30pm - Study and paid experience: with the Société de Traduction et Interprétariat it's possible! by Hicham Kordi, director of development at STI - Service de Traduction & Interprétariat
Thursday, November 9 at 5:30 pm - Changing course, making a success of your intersemester reorientation by Laura Vezant, psychologue de l'Éducation nationale au Centre d'Information et d'Orientation des Enseignements Supérieurs (Sorbonne Université) et à l'Inalco
Tuesday, November 14 at 5pm - Career opportunities at the Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides by Marie-Anne Berlioz, référente déontologue - laïcité - alerte éthique, and Nanée Malek-Stanians, recruitment and partnerships officer at OFPRA
Thursday, November 16 at 5:30pm - Entreprendre pendant ses études avec Pépite et Enactus France by Laurane Boullay, coordinator of Pépite CréaJ IDF and head of the student-entrepreneur diploma; Benoit Durand, regional student program manager at Enactus France and Manon Lanneau, Pépite CréaJ IDF entrepreneurship project manager
Tuesday, November 28 at 5pm - Committing internationally with France Volontaire by Charlotte Chiron, head of communications at France Volontaires
Tuesday, December 5 at 5pm - Gathering information, analyzing and communicating in risky terrain : the UN observers' mission in Syria, by Enora Chame, writer and Colonelle, Ministry of Armed Forces
Thursday, December 7 at 5:30pm - Becoming a political advisor in the French Army with Michael Benhamou, Director of OPEWI - Europe's War Institute, former political advisor to the French Armed Forces and NATO
Thursday, December 21 at 5:30pm - Working in Vietnam: les atouts de la maîtrise des codes linguistiques et culturels with Bela Hegedus, Conseiller-Adjoint de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle de l'Ambassade de France au Vietnam
Thursday, February 8 at 5:30pm - Presentation of the "Linguist expert in geopolitics mentioning Russian, Arabic or Chinese language" curriculum with Saïd THOUQAN and Hervé TRIBERT, CNAM Défense
Tuesday, February 27 at 5pm - Meeting with European Personnel Selection Office with Marika Kozlowska, Student Ambassador for European Careers 2023 - 2024
Thursday, March 7 at 5:30pm - From idea to screen: the stages of French film production with Romain Gaillard, Post-Production Director, Unité Films, Film Production Company in Paris
Thursday March 14 at 5:30pm - The benefits of country and language expertise in strategic intelligence professions with Elsa Chalaux, China Director, ADIT
Tuesday April 2 at 5pm - Career opportunities at the French Foreign Security Agency with DGSE public relations officer