Cycle of professional round tables on cultural professions: 5th edition

16 January 2025
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The Service de l'événementiel et de l'action culturelle is organizing the 5th edition of its series of professional roundtables on the cultural professions.
Collage de personnes autour d'une table et d'un ordinateur. Sur leurs visages sont collés des visuels de statues
Cycle de tables rondes professionnelles sur les métiers de la culture : 5ème édition © DR‎
Contenu central

Among the many career opportunities offered by Inalco's training courses are cultural professions: audiovisual, cultural cooperation, publishing, museum, heritage, and many others. Each round table explores a key field from the angle of careers and professional opportunities:

Media professions to tell the story of a world on the move

March 18, 6-7:30pm - Amphi 3

  • Louise Laroque : alumna in International Relations - Arabic language, currently video editor at the Délégation à l'information et à la communication de la défense (DICoD) at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
  • Paolo Falcone: alumnus of the Japanese degree, currently journalist, writer and photographer specializing in Japanese culture, as well as production assistant.

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Careers and opportunities in cultural cooperation

1er April 6-7:30pm - Amphi 3

  • Christophe Gigaudot: alumnus with a master's degree in Chinese, currently delegate for Francophone Affairs at the Direction des Nations-Unies, des Organisations internationales, des droits de l'Homme et de la Francophonie.
  • Aniela Cornet: alumna in international relations in Russian language, currently scientific and administrative coordinator of the Histoire de l'Art festival.
  • Noémi Kahn: alumna in Arabic LLCE, currently in charge of cooperation, coproduction and francophonie at the CNC's European and International Affairs department.

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Scientific research in the arts and culture sectors

April 29, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Amphi 3 Upcoming speakers


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These meetings enable students to exchange with Inalco alumni, who have become professionals, and deepen their understanding of realities in the field. It's the ideal opportunity to discover inspiring career paths and identify the key skills needed to succeed in these exciting sectors.