Setting up and financing a student initiative project (PIE)

What is the CVEC and the FSDIE?
The Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC) was instituted by law n°2018-166 of March 8, 2018 relating to student orientation and success. This contribution is "intended to promote the reception and social, health, cultural and sprotive support of students and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for them".
The Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Etudiantes (FSDIE) exists in all universities and other higher education establishments. It is used to promote student projects and finance initiatives in the following fields: cultural and artistic (theater, dance, music, writing, cinema), scientific culture, campus activities, sporting events, humanitarian and solidarity actions (citizenship, disability, health). The reference text is the circular issued by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research: n° 2011-1021 of 3-11-2011 relating to the development of associative commitment and student initiatives.
The FSDIE is financed by a portion of registration fees (regulatory deduction of 16 euros from each student's registration fees). This fund may be supplemented by financial or material contributions from local authorities, student mutual societies, the university or establishment, donations, etc.
The CVEC funds, and in particular the FSDIE fund, are managed at Inalco by the Commission de Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC), which meets once a month (see calendar below), examines projects proposed by student associations* and decides whether or not to award a grant. Its proposals are then submitted to the institution's Board of Directors for approval when they exceed an amount set by this Board.
*The commission funds Student Initiative Projects (PIE) and Student Artistic Activity Projects.
Artistic Activity Projects are projects requiring direct funding for the intervention of artistic animators and/or managers (e.g. choir director in a choir, director for a show, ...).
To obtain FSDIE funding for a student initiative project (PIE):
Your project must have a direct or indirect impact on student life and the school (exhibition, lectures, projection, show, documentary collections, scientific and cultural days...).
A teacher must support the project
Your project must in no way be linked to academic validation.
You undertake to use the sum allocated as set out in your financing plan and therefore to submit a financial statement after the completion of your project.
You must show that this fund will punctually subsidize your association as part of the project presented.
You must appeal to other organizations, in fact, additional subsidies are to be sought (CROUS, youth challenges, Paris City Hall, sponsors, personal contributions...)
Following receipt of FSDIE funding and completion of your project, you undertake to:
Submit an activity report (see documents below).
Submit invoices and other proof of expenditure after the project has been completed, in the form of a financial statement. All invoices and receipts must be made out in the name of the project manager (see documents below).
To respect the FSDIE criteria and your budget, and if not, to reimburse any sums that have not been properly committed.
To reimburse any remaining funds.
How to submit a project to the Commission Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CoCVEC)?
You must download and complete the funding application form (see documents below for PIE and Projet des activités artistiques étudiantes). Then e-mail your application and supporting documents to the Student Life and Success Department (REVE) - - and make an appointment in advance so that you can discuss the project and receive advice at least 1 month before the CVEC Commission date.
If your application concerns an event or cultural project, you must also consult the Events and Cultural Action Department (SEAC) in advance to validate the operational and calendar points of your project.
Please note: in order to be considered by CoCVEC, funding applications must be accompanied by a complete dossier: the form and all supporting documents.
For information on how to put together a dossier, please contact the REVE department:
Provisional timetable 2023-2024
- Friday, September 22, 2023
- Friday, October 20, 2023
- Friday, November 17, 2023
- Friday, December 15, 2023 (subject to change)
- Friday, January 19 January 2024
- Friday February 16, 2024
- Friday March 22, 2024
- Friday April 26, 2024
- Friday May 24, 2024
- Friday June 28, 2024
Formulaire de demande de financement PIE-2023-24 (66.55 KB, .docx)
Formulaire_demande_financement_Activité-artistique_2023-24_V4.docx (69.84 KB, .docx)
Notice Formulaire demande financement PIE 2023-24 (455.9 KB, .pdf)
Règlement CVEC-2022 (852.07 KB, .pdf)
Bilan_post-projet_FSDIE_2023 (156.04 KB, .docx)