Literal Arabic
Arab linguistic communities practice two varieties of Arabic, one essentially written, known as literary Arabic, the other essentially spoken, known as dialectal Arabic, which varies from country to country. It is these two varieties of language which, inseparably, make up their identity.
Inalco is the only institution in France to offer a Bachelor's degree in Arabic, including courses in Arabic language and civilization.
Training courses
If you're a beginner, these are the diplôme d'initiation (literal Arabic), the diplôme intensif, the licence d'arabe oriental, the licence d'arabe maghrébin.
If you already have a good level in literal Arabic (250 hours of Arabic courses) and have mastered the grammatical notions of the 1st volume of Luc Deheuvels' Manuel d'arabe moderne: licence d'arabe.
If you are unsure of your level, we organize orientation tests.
From the 2nd year of the Arabic bachelor's degree, students can also choose one of 5 professionalizing courses: international business, intercultural communication and training, didactics of world languages and French as a foreign language, international relations, multilingual digital processing.
Literal Arabic courses:
Licence and Master LLCER - Middle East-Maghreb - literal Arabic (or dialectal)
Double degree Arabic - Hebrew
MOOC "Arabic language contact kit"
Career opportunities
Public service, teaching and diplomacy, international organizations and the voluntary sector, translation and interpreting, international trade, tourism, multilingual engineering, publishing, journalism and communication.