LLCER bachelor's degree with regional path

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In the first year (L1), students begin to study a language that will form the basis of their Bachelor's degree. In the second year (L2), students determine the direction they wish to take with their degree, choosing between two types of path: a regional path (languages, literatures and civilizations) or a professional path, continuing the study of the language begun in L1.

Please note, for Chinese, Arabic and Russian, beginners must enroll in the introductory year to then gain access to the first year of the bachelor's degree. In these languages, access to L1 is reserved for students who have achieved a level equivalent to LV1 in secondary school. Advanced beginners are invited to follow a one-year preparatory course leading to an introductory diploma. Orientation tests are available here.

For Chinese, students without an introductory diploma who wish to enroll directly in L1 are invited to take the orientation tests, which will enable them to take stock of their written and spoken language skills, and assess their ability to profitably follow L1 teaching. Please refer to the Method of Chinese, first level (l'Asiathèque), the course material for the introductory year, for a more accurate assessment of the language skills required at the start of L1.
This test is not, however, necessary for baccalaureate holders from general streams who have taken Chinese LV1 or LV2 and obtained a mark equal to or above 14 in the baccalauréat.

Livret Licence LLCER + L.AS 2024-2025 (1.81 MB, .pdf)

Présentation de la licence LLCER et de ses différents parcours : régionaux, thématiques et disciplinaires, professionnalisants, bilangues

Organization of the licence

A licence consists of 180 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) spread over 3 years of study (L1, L2, L3), i.e. 6 semesters of 30 ECTS each. Each LLCER license offered by Inalco comprises different teaching units (UE) that are repeated over each semester:

UE1 - Language courses
UE2 - Civilization and/or language courses
UE3 - Regional courses
UE4 - Open courses

=> UE1 and UE2: Fundamental language (UE1: grammar, written and oral expression and comprehension, phonetics) and civilization (UE2: history, geography, etc.) or literature, enabling the acquisition of essential knowledge in these fields.

=>EU3 and EU4: Courses that enable students to personalize their course, broaden their knowledge of the geographical area or country studied, learn about the methods of the major traditional disciplines (human and social sciences, literature, linguistics), discover major themes or begin a career path.

=>Opening UE4:
Starting at L2 level, students can complete their course with 2 opening courses per semester in UE4. These courses can be chosen from the department's courses not chosen under UE2 or UE3, courses from other departments (subject to intake capacity), courses from thematic and disciplinary pathways, and cross-disciplinary courses at the school, including English courses.

=>English courses in L2 or L3: 
Pre-requisites: English courses ANGB240a (L2 semester 2) and ANGA340a (L3 semester 1) are not intended for absolute or false beginners: minimum level B1 is required.
Please note:limited capacity.

=>Student commitment: see the dedicated page.