Master of Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (LLCER)

The LLCER master's degree in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilizations is open to students with a bachelor's degree who can demonstrate a sufficient level of proficiency in one of the languages taught at Inalco.

Composition of a semester

An LLCER master's semester consists of 4 teaching units (UE):
UE 1: choose a language (from 57)
UE 2: choose a seminar(s) related to the associated geocultural area
UE 3: choose a disciplinary path (or an areal path*)
UE 4: choose an opening course or methodological tool or other course from UE3 not yet chosen

(*) Special case for the Chinese studies master's degree and the Japanese studies master's degree:
Contrary to other LLCER master's degrees:

  • The master's degree in Chinese studies offers a choice between two different specializations at UE3 level: the areal specialization, which offers reinforced teaching in Chinese studies, and the disciplinary specialization, which offers general teaching in five different disciplines (social anthropology; arts and literature; history and social sciences; orality; texts, linguistics, translation);
  • The master's degree in Japanese studies offers only the areal specialization (reinforced teaching in Japanese studies).

Compulsory modules

Dissertation and internship report: writing, submission, defense

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Repeat request

If you are repeating a year for the first time, this is by right. You can therefore re-register directly on IAWEB.

If you are repeating the same level for the second time, you must obtain a registration waiver signed by your dissertation director and the Masters Director to be sent to the LLCER Masters Office before September 2, 2025 for the year 2025/2026.

You will find the forms below:

M1 LLCER - Demande de redoublement (95.27 KB, .pdf)

M2 LLCER - Demande de redoublement (102.6 KB, .pdf)

International Master of Armenian Studies

New in 2021-2022: International Master's degree in Armenian Studies (distance learning in Armenian).

This course was created to meet a demand for high-level Armenian diploma courses, accessible online and with no French prerequisites. It creates a unique framework enabling experienced speakers of Western Armenian (a diaspora language) to practice intellectual and professional activity in this language within a class of students from all over the world.

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