Thesis and internship report

Research orientation: writing and defending the research thesis

Writing and defending the M1 research mini-thesis

The reasonable volume of an M1 mini-thesis has been set at a minimum of thirty pages, which can go up to sixty pages (30 - 60). The student is free to exceed this limit, but the mini-thesis director is not obliged to do so.
One page of text is written in Times New Roman or Arial font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing.

This information is presented during methodology seminars.

Writing and defending the M2 research dissertation

The research supervisor determines the date, the composition of the jury, as well as the form, volume and layout of the dissertation. In general, a dissertation of around 100 pages is required, Times New Roman or Arial font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing and paragraph justified.

This information is presented during methodology seminars.

The M1 mini-dissertation or M2 dissertation will necessarily include the following charter:

I, the undersigned, declare that I have written this work without any unmentioned external aids or sources other than those cited. The use of pre-existing texts, published or unpublished, including electronic versions, is indicated as such. This work has not been submitted to any other examination board in an identical or similar form, whether in France or abroad, at the university or in another institution, by myself or by others.

I am informed that my work may be checked with software intended for this purpose, with the consequences provided for by law in the event of proven plagiarism.

Student's date and signature

Professional orientation: internship and internship report

M1 level

A student in a professionally oriented Master's program must complete a full-time internship of at least 2 months during his/her M1 year.
The internship report must be approximately 30 to 50 pages long. One page of text should be written in Times New Roman or Arial font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. 
The internship can be carried out either part-time during the year, or at the end of courses and exams but before August 31 of the current year.

M2 level

A student in a professionally-oriented Master's program must carry out a full-time internship lasting a minimum of 3 months during his or her M2 year.
The internship report must be approximately 60 to 80 pages long. One page of text should be written in Times New Roman or Arial font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. 
The internship can be carried out either part-time during the year, or at the end of classes and exams, but not beyond December 31 following the end of classes.

Please note: an internship does not exempt you from attendance, either at classes or exams.

The M1 or M2 internship report must include the following charter:

I, the undersigned, declare that I have written this work without any unmentioned external aids or sources other than those cited. The use of pre-existing texts, published or unpublished, including electronic versions, is indicated as such. This work has not been submitted to any other examination board in an identical or similar form, whether in France or abroad, at the university or in another institution, by myself or by others.

I am informed that my work may be checked with software designed for this purpose, with the consequences provided for by law in the event of proven plagiarism.
Student's date and signature

Documents to consult

Foire Aux Questions - Stage et rapport de stage de Master (1.57 MB, .pdf)

Modèle commun de rapport de stage (341.48 KB, .docx)

Submission deadlines
Deadlines for submission of dissertation or internship report

Declaration of thesis and internship topic

The dissertation subject declaration (M1 and M2 Research) or internship declaration (finalité PRO) is to be handed in or sent to the pedagogical secretariat by November 30 at the latest. It must be signed by the teacher directing the dissertation or responsible for the internship.

In October and November, think about your research subject (or internship if you're in finalité PRO), discuss it with your supervisor so as to specify the title, and organize the various stages that will lead to writing the dissertation.
In M2, a presentation session on the progress of the dissertation (credited with 3 ECTS) is held before the April vacation.

Download below the dissertation and internship subject declaration form to be completed and signed by your referent teacher, or use the document sent to you by the pedagogical secretariat.

Fiche de déclaration de sujet de mémoire et de stage (217.47 KB, .pdf)

Thesis and internship report defense minutes

PV de soutenance M1 (152.92 KB, .pdf)

PV de soutenance M2 (298.21 KB, .pdf)