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Soninke is part of the Mande language family. But it is distinct from Mandingo, the main language of this group.
Des hommes réalisant des figures acrobatiques habillés avec des couleurs vives
Étudiants coraniques faisant prestations culturelles et artistiques lors de la première journée de la langue soninké (le 25 septembre 2024) dans la ville de sous la présidence du gouverneur de la région (Mali). © Idrissa Abass F. Traoré SABOU‎

Discover the language

The Soninke language is spoken by around 1.5 million people in the border regions of Mali, Senegal and Mauritania. It is a minority language in each of these countries. By contrast, it is the majority language among African immigrant workers in France.

Studying Soninke at Inalco

The teaching of Soninke is an introduction to two semester-long courses open as part of the "approfondissement" pathways of the licence de Langue, littérature et civilisation étrangères et régionales (LLCER) - Parcours Afrique-Océan Indien - mandingue.

This Soninke course (over two semester modules, SON2A01 and SON2B01) is particularly recommended as an optional course, for 2nd or 3rd year Mandinka (Bambara) degree students, as well as students of other African languages (notably Peul and Wolof).

Training courses

Studying Soninke at Inalco

The Soninke course is an introduction to two semester-long courses open as part of the "deepening" pathways of the Foreign and Regional Language, Literature and Civilization (LLCER) - Africa-Indian Ocean - Mandingo degree.

This Soninke course (over two semester modules, SON2A01 and SON2B01) is particularly recommended as an optional course, for 2nd or 3rd year Mandinka (Bambara) degree students, as well as for students of other African languages (notably Peul and Wolof).