
Training courses
For working people, a Evening Course in Tibetan at Inalco is provided by the Continuing Education Department. For further information, please contact the continuing education department.
Tibetan and/or Tibetan civilization are taught at many universities in Europe: London (SOAS), Oxford, Naples, Rome, Hamburg, Bonn, Berlin, Prague, Oslo, Copenhagen, Vienna, among others.
Partner universities
Inalco has established a partnership with the CLCS (Center for Language and Cultural Studies), in Trongsa, Bhutan. Students can follow a course of study in classical Tibetan, Dzongkha, Buddhism and Bhutanese arts (music, dance).
Student association
Tibetan Confluences: to foster the cultural and social integration of Tibetans recently arrived in France, support Tibetan culture in France and promote linguistic and cultural exchanges between French and Tibetans.
Scholarly society
Tibetan studies have a long history in France, with the teaching of Tibetan having begun in the mid-19th century at the Ecole des Jeunes des Langues, which was to become Langues O and then Inalco. In 2012, to federate and make visible research in Tibetology in France, the SFEMT (Société Française d'Etudes du Monde Tibétain) was created. Its mission is to present the ongoing research of its members, propose conferences and organize a biennial colloquium. Many SFEMT members teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Tibetan (see above, list of contract teachers). Each, in his or her field of specialization, shares his or her knowledge with the students of Inalco's Tibet section.