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Dessin sur un mur représentant une enseignante qui montre des inscriptions au tableau à une élève
Savitribai Phule Pune University, janvier 2020 © Ada Lipman‎

Discovering the language

India's official language (alongside English) Hindi - हिंदी भाषा, which belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family, is spoken by over 400 million speakers in India; it is also present on other continents thanks to numerous immigrant communities of varying length. It has an abundant and ancient literature in various dialects and, in a standardized form from the second half of the 19th century onwards, is enriched by a modern literature that is highly varied in its genres and themes, serves as a language of instruction in many schools or as a language of communication in the media and cinema.

The training offered at Inalco enables students to acquire both oral and written linguistic skills as well as a knowledge of the contemporary and past regional cultural milieu.

In terms of professional outlets, this training, in addition to a possible orientation in various fields of academic research (Languages, cultures, societies of the world), offers access:

- to the professions of research and general teaching (in possible association with a disciplinary course: political science, history, history of religions, ethnology, anthropology, ethnopsychology, linguistics, comparative literature, didactics, etc.).)

- teaching Hindi: for students from French Overseas Departments and Territories, or from Mauritius, wishing to further their training to become Hindi teachers in their place of origin; for any student aiming to teach Hindi courses in centers and organizations that offer it

- to the professions of documentation and technical translation

- to the professions of mediation (tourism, work in NGOs, in international organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, in the private or associative humanitarian sector or with migrants, translation and interpreting in the legal and social fields, etc.) and information

- to various administrative competitive exams, notably the Concours cadre d'Orient of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In association with the disciplinary courses offered by the professional mentions, it gives access to professions in international trade, international relations, multilingual digital processing.

Langues O' le magazine pour en savoir plus

Le ghunghat : voile social - Langues O' no 3