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Page de journal écrit en hébreu

Discovering the language

Hebrew, with around 6 million speakers, is the official language of the State of Israel. The language of the Bible and, for that reason, considered a sacred language for centuries, it is the only language in the world to have resurrected in spoken usage after an interruption of over two thousand years.

This resurrection was only made possible by its maintenance as a literary, liturgical and epistolary language in all the Jewish communities of the Diaspora.

Considered a dead language, it wasn't until 1936 that it made its entry into Langues O' where it joined other Semitic languages. The Hebrew department is thus one of the largest in the world.

Studying Hebrew at Inalco

Inalco is the only institution in Europe to offer all of these courses.
Students can choose from a range of courses, from the first year of the Licence to the Master's degree. Students with a Master's degree can enroll in a doctoral thesis in Hebrew studies.

The teaching is focused on Modern Hebrew, but basic Biblical Hebrew is offered from the undergraduate level.
The second cycle broadens its teaching scope to the history of the language and its various layers, namely the Hebrew of the Mishna, the medieval language and that of the Haskala (literary renaissance in the 19th century).

However, the emphasis is on modern Hebrew, contemporary press and literature. Courses in Hebrew linguistics are also planned. As for the teaching of civilization (history, sociology etc.), it embraces the entire history of the people of Israel, from biblical times onwards, and leads to the analysis of current problems, in Israel and worldwide. Another important subject is Jewish philosophy and thought, from medieval times to the present day.

Our Department also offers multi-level courses in "Judeo-languages", namely yiddish, Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Arabic.

Training courses


Licence LLCER d'hébreu moderne
Double licence LCCER d'arabe/hébreu moderne
Licence LLCER bilangue d'arabe (majeure)/hébreu (mineure)
Master LLCER - hébreu moderne

The Licence d'Hébreu moderne is primarily aimed at students interested in Hebrew, classical and especially modern Hebrew, in the history of this language and its various layers, and in the study of Jewish worlds in general, and of the contemporary era and the State of Israel in particular. The teaching of the language is aimed at the acquisition of a solid grammatical foundation and a high level of oral and written skills. Multimedia laboratories and learning software are available to students.
The bachelor's degree also offers solid training in various Jewish languages: Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Arabic. It is the only one in Europe to offer a complete course (4 levels) in these three languages.

School diplomas:

Language Diploma (DL) in Modern Hebrew (DL1, DL2 and DL3)
Language Diploma (DL) in Hebrew Distance Learning (DL1 and DL2)
Diploma in Hebrew and Jewish Languages and Civilizations (DLC) (DLC1, DLC2 and DLC3)
Diplôme de langues et civilisations (DLC) hébraïques et juives à distance
Diplôme de compétences avancées en langues juives (judéo-arabe, judéo-espagnol, yiddish)

Hebrew can be chosen as a modern language for various competitive examinations, including those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (cadre Orient).