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With 19 million speakers, Uzbek occupies a central position in the contemporary Central Asian context, as the national language of Uzbekistan, also spoken in neighboring regions.
Femme ouzbek déposant des tomates sur son étal lors d'un marché à Tachkent, Ouzbékistan
Femme ouzbek déposant des tomates sur son étal lors d'un marché à Tachkent, Ouzbékistan © Christopher Rose‎

Discover the language

The teaching of the Uzbek language is part of the training offered by Inalco, whose vocation, for over two centuries, has been to teach and conduct research on the world's languages and civilizations.

Uzbek is a Turkic language belonging to the Altaic family along with Turkish, Turkmen, Qazaq, Uyghur, Azeri, Kyrgyz, Tatar, etc.

Training courses

Turkish languages are taught at Inalco as an opening course in the Turkish Licence LLCER.

The course is open to licence 2 and licence 3 Turkish students, but also to any non-Turkish beginner interested in this language.

Two courses in Uzbek are offered in the Eurasian Languages Licence LLCER. Accessible as an in-depth study in certain languages, they can also be taken as an opening course, in L2 or L3 (refer to the brochures). These courses can also be chosen as part of a Passport.
Course offered: Introduction to Uzbek 1 and 2