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Finnish is spoken mainly in Finland, where it is the mother tongue of the majority of the population. It also has official status as a minority language in Sweden.
With around 5 million speakers, Finnish is the second Finno-Ugric language after Hungarian. It belongs to the same Fennic subgroup as Estonian and other smaller-community languages in Latvia (Live) and Russia (Karelian, Ingrian, Vepse, Voting).
Le parc national de Repovesi, à Kouvola en Finlande
Le parc national de Repovesi, à Kouvola en Finlande © M. Passinen‎

Discovering the language

Finnish uses the Latin alphabet. It became a written language with the Reformation in the XVIth century. Mikael Agricola, bishop of Turku, published a number of religious works from 1543 onwards, including his translation of the New Testament.

At the beginning of the 19the century, under the influence of national Romanticism, the discovery of a rich, distinctively Finnish oral tradition kick-started an awareness of identity, reinforced by the publication of the epic Kalevala in 1835.

Finland, which has been independent since 1917, is known today for the vitality of its literature, which offers a great diversity of both registers of expression and themes (children's books, thrillers, comic strips, fantasy literature, poetry, etc.), its culture of classical music but also its culture of poetry.

Finnish has been taught at Inalco since 1931.

Knowledge of Finnish, an official language of the European Union since 1995, is an invaluable asset for anyone interested in the Nordic countries of Europe.

Finnish is also one of the world's most popular languages.

Licence LLCER de finnois 2023-2024 (614.82 KB, .pdf)

Parcours finnois du master 2023-2024 (462.13 KB, .pdf)

​Diplômes de langue et civilisation finnoises (DLC 1-4) 2023-2024  (728.41 KB, .pdf)