JEP 2024: visit the historic Inalco site

For its 41st edition, the European Heritage Days will focus on "the heritage of routes, networks and connections, and maritime heritage". To mark the occasion, Inalco will be opening the doors of its historic Maison de la Recherche to the public on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 1pm to 6pm.
Escalier d'honneur de la Maison de la recherche
Escalier d'honneur de la Maison de la recherche © Sophie Lloyd‎

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, Inalco's Maison de la Recherche will exceptionally open its doors to the public, who will be able to discover a variety of heritage treasures and enjoy a free, documented tour retracing the singular history of this establishment being renovated in 2019. Several architectural elements including the floor mosaics, the monumental staircase and the moldings and medallions in the historic salons received the "Heritage of Regional Interest" label from the Île-de-France Region in 2020.

In particular, the public will have the opportunity to consult the volumes of the Description de l'Égypte preserved at Inalco, a monumental work resulting from Napoleon's military campaign in Egypt. This precious legacy, as well as the genesis of the establishment and its role in France's diplomatic and academic relations with foreign countries, particularly resonates with the themes of this edition.

Sol en mosaïque représentant une fleur Candélabre en bronze de l'escalier d'honneur Détail d'un médaillon représentant un bouquet de fleur, un éventail et une théière
Sol en mosaïque du couloir d'entrée © Sophie Lloyd / Inalco / Candélabre en bronze de l'escalier d'honneur © Sophie Lloyd / Inalco / Détail d'un médaillon dans la salle de Sacy © Stéphane Asseline / Région Île-de-France‎

Built in 1716, the Hôtel de Bernage housed several successive tenants before being assigned to the École spéciale des langues orientales (now Inalco) in 1873, which adapted it to its new functions. Architect Louis Faure-Dujarric took great care with the interior decoration, multiplying oriental references. This building, rich in history, has been home to classes in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Armenian, Greek, Hindustani, Malay, Chinese, Japanese, Tamil, Annamite, Russian, Romanian... and dozens of other languages. It saw the birth and growth of the École doctorale, before becoming Maison de la recherche in 2011. Today, it houses all research-related activities and the archives and heritage department. It is also the home of the Inalco Foundation and Presses de l'Inalco.

Inalco, also known as "Langues O'", today offers unique expertise in languages and societies based on centuries of experience. No institution, no country, offers such a diversity of courses, openness and wealth of knowledge. The institution is a key player in the promotion and preservation of the world's languages and civilizations.

Une étudiante bénévole présente des miniatures persanes à des visiteurs lors des Journées européennes du patrimoine 2022
Une étudiante bénévole présente des miniatures persanes à des visiteurs lors des JEP 2022 © Sonia Leconte / Inalco‎

Conference "The first teachers at the École des langues orientales"

From 3:30pm to 4:15pm in the Dumézil auditorium, Inalco will be offering a short conference on the first teachers at the École des langues orientales, echoing the 2024 theme "Patrimoines des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions".

Founded in 1795, the fledgling École spéciale des langues orientales began delivering courses in June 1796, under the Directoire, in a still tumultuous context. Among the very first professors were some of the most prestigious figures in the country's political and diplomatic life. Whether Silvestre de Sacy, Jean-Michel de Venture de Paradis or Pierre-Amédée Jaubert, their reflections and travels helped to spread the influence of French Orientalism throughout Europe.

Emmanuel Lozerand, university professor and head of the "History of Inalco" mission, is pleased to invite you to this conference to discover the lives and destinies of these central figures who marked the history of the École des langues orientales.

Practical information

Free admission, subject to high attendance.
Saturday, September 21, 2024, 1pm-6pm. Last entries at 5:30pm.
Building accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Maison de la recherche - 2, rue de Lille 75007
Métro lines 1 and 7 - Palais Royal Musée du Louvre
RER C - Musée d'Orsay
Bus lines 27, 39, 68, 69, 87, 95 - Pont du Carrousel Quai Voltaire