India in pictures and debate: fighting social injustice

As part of the "South Asia and the Himalayas in pictures and debate" series.
Un groupe d'homme se tient debout, ils sont vêtus de turbans colorés et de grands châles par dessus une tenue traditionnelle
Les villageois © Singh‎

Session 3 - India in pictures and debate: combating social injustice

Alms for the Blind Horse by Gurvinder Singh, 2011 l 1h52min l VOSTA

A family wakes up to the news that a house on the outskirts of their village has just been demolished. The indignant father joins the rest of the small community in demanding justice. The same day, his son Melu, a rickshaw driver, goes on strike alongside his union.

Debate in the presence of Marie-Caroline Saglio, anthropologist specializing in India (Inalco/CESSMA) and Nicolas Jaoul, anthropologist, specializing in India (CNRS/IRIS).