Gap Year

Presentation of the scheme
In accordance with law no. 2018-166 of March 8, 2018 relating to student orientation and success and its implementing decree no. 2018-372 of May 18, 2018 relating to the temporary suspension of studies in public establishments providing initial higher education training, you can request a gap year during your university course.
Only one gap year is granted per degree prepared (bachelor's, master's, doctorate). It is granted for a full academic year. It is not granted automatically, and is subject to an application that will be assessed by the pedagogical commission.
Why take a gap year?
- Pursue a professional project
- Take another course
- Acquire professional experience
- Perform an internship (internship agreement to be signed)
- Perform civic service
When and how to apply?
To apply for a gap year for the following year, you must complete the "Gap year" form, downloadable below, and return it to your pedagogical secretariat by September 8, 2024 at the latest.
Dispositif de césure (187.75 KB, .pdf)
F.A.Q Césure
Do you have specific questions about the Césure program? Find the answers in these frequently asked questions.
F.A.Q Césure
Do you have specific questions about the Césure program? Find the answers in these frequently asked questions.
What can I do during a gap year?
→ You can do:
- A civic service
- A volunteer service with the European Solidarity Corps
- A volunteer commitment (associative....)
- A student-entrepreneur project
- A job (work contract)
- Training in a field other than your initial course of study
- An internship in France or abroad
Am I entitled to a student card during my gap year?
→ Yes, you must be enrolled at the school during the gap year. You will therefore benefit from the advantages associated with student status.
Is the Césure scheme open to continuing education beneficiaries?
→ No. The Césure scheme is only open to students in initial training.
Do we have to pay tuition fees during the Césure year?
→ Yes, but at a reduced rate (2018 decree). You will also have to pay the CVEC by payment or exemption (
During the gap year, can I benefit from the social criteria grant?
→ Yes, but subject to conditions (for more info, go to
Can I start my studies with a gap year?
→ Yes, it's possible. However, it should be noted that Inalco's Korean Studies Department does not accept a gap year at the beginning of the curriculum. Students wishing to take a gap year in L1 must tick the "césure" box when entering their wishes on Parcoursup.
What is the maximum duration of a césure?
→ The maximum duration of a césure is two academic semesters (respectively 6 months per semester) per study cycle.
How do I put together my application?
→ You will need to submit your application to your pedagogical secretariat with the following documents:
- Duly completed gap year application form
- Copy of current student card
- Letter of motivation including a description of the student's project
- CV
- Any documents that will enable us to decide on the relevance of the gap year
Do I have to notify Inalco of my gap year project?
→ Yes. Obtaining a Césure is subject to the authorization of the head of the establishment and by delegation to the pedagogical commissions of the departments upon examination of a file.
What can I do if my gap year request is denied?
→ You can lodge an appeal with the President of Inalco or a request for reconsideration with the pedagogical secretariat.