"South Asia and the Himalayas in pictures and debate" cycle 2024-2025

4 September 2024
  • Culture


  • Campus life

Inalco's South Asia and Himalayas department and CESSMA (India/Nepal group) are organizing a series of film and documentary events to shed light on current events in the region and its diasporas through images and debate. Specialists will discuss topics as varied as the migration path of the Bangladeshis, agro-ecology in India, the struggle for survival in rural India, and learning about democracy in Bhutan. The free screenings are open to all, with no need to book, and there will be plenty of opportunity for discussion afterwards.
des jeunes Bangladais
Des jeunes Bangladais © Banerjee‎
Contenu central

Programming 2024-2025

Session 1 - Bangladesh in images and debate: meeting Bangladeshi migrants

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 6pm-9pm - PLC (Paris 13th) - Auditorium

  • The Game, directed by Joy Banerjee and Prokash Roy, 2023 l 43 min VOST l French

Their names are Mohamed, Abdullah, Ujjal...They all left Bangladesh one day to come to Europe, hoping for a better life. Some of them have succeeded in settling in Paris, even though they are undocumented. Others were not so lucky, and tell of the ordeal they endured in Libya, trapped by their smugglers. In France, the immigration debate is raging. The film, shot in the Sylet region of Bangladesh and in Paris, gives a face to these Bangladeshi migrants.


  • Philippe Benoit, Bengal specialist (Inalco-Cerlom)

  • in the presence of the filmmakers

Session 2 - India in images and debate: Agroecology in India

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - 18h-21h - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium

Information to come.

Session 3 - India in images and debate

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 - 18h-21h - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium

Information to come.

Session 4 - India in images and debate

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 18h-21h - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium

Information to come.

Session 5 - Bhutan in images and debate

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - 18h-21h - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium

Information to come.

Session 6 - India in images and debate

Wednesday, April 9, 2024 - 18h-21h - PLC (Paris 13e) - Auditorium

Information to come.