"Regards comparés": Koreas, thwarting destinies

From November 25 to 28, 2024 (program below)
Auditorium de l'Inalco - 65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris
Free admission with registration.
Getting off the beaten track and freeing oneself from formatted images is no easy task when it comes to celebrating Korea abroad. Not only do the two Korean states constantly distinguish themselves from each other by producing images and discourses that reinforce their antagonism, but even the most cautious observers and commentators find it difficult to ignore this dual situation.
KOO Moduk, Chloé Paberz, and Stéphane Thévenet.
For this 12th edition of Regards comparés, the programming committee's wish was to offer the public different, roundabout views, i.e. narratives and images that stray from the mainstream and, by successive strokes, color and spice up the palette of representations available to each and every one of us.
The selection takes a step away from the mainstream, moving closer to the sensitive experiences of Korean men and women, following their trajectories, migrations, generational stories, small victories and big projects. We'll see how individuals, against a backdrop of tormented history and tense borders, compose lives studded with joys and outbursts, revolt and resilience.
Programming committee and discussion moderator:
- KOO Moduk, assistant professor in the Department of Art History, Cinema and Audiovisual Media, Université de Montréal;
- Nathalie Luca, anthropologist and president of the Ethnographic Film Committee;
- Chloé Paberz, anthropologist and director of the Korean Studies Department at Inalco ;
- Laurent Pellé, general delegate of the Jean Rouch International Festival, Ethnographic Film Committee;
- Stéphane Thévenet, lecturer in the Korean studies department at Inalco;
- Adélie Martinez, anthropology student at EHESS and trainee programming assistant.

Continuing the Regards comparés series, Fenêtres sur le Japon offers a screening-debate of KIM Tae-yeong's 1923 Kanto Massacre on Friday November 29 at 5pm at the Pôle des langues et civilisations auditorium.