Master's degree in Language Sciences (SDL)

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The Master in Language Sciences enables students to acquire solid theoretical knowledge and methodological skills, while providing in-depth linguistic training in an oriental language within Inalco's remit. Co-accredited with Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (Master LLTS), it is designed for students wishing to deepen their linguistic reflection by confronting it with the diversity of languages.

Master SDL Présentation du 14 septembre 2023 (466.3 KB, .pdf)

Courses for the 2023-2024 academic year

The Master SDL brochures, with course descriptions, are available below.

Master SDL : Cours et séminaires assurés à l'Inalco 2023-2024 (378.92 KB, .pdf)

Document mis à jour au 24 novembre 2023

Master SDL brochure complète 2023-2024 (1.76 MB, .pdf)

Document mis à jour au 13 juillet 2023

The timetable for common courses (without language prerequisites) of the SDL master's degree assured at Inalco can be consulted at: (enter SDL in the "name entry" space, choose the year M1 or M2, then click on a week when there is a class to see the timetable displayed).

Please note: Intensive training courses given outside class periods do not necessarily appear online and should be checked in the brochures. The timetable for language or linguistics courses specific to a given geolinguistic area can be found by entering the name of the language then the level (M1, M2) then the week worked on. You can find descriptions of these courses in the brochures available on the "formations" page of each Inalco department's website (click here).

The timetable for courses run at USN is available here.

First semester

Start of courses at Inalco and USN: September 18, 2023

Second semester

Start of courses at Inalco: January 29, 2024
Start of courses at USN: January 15, 2024 
Closing date for second-semester pedagogical registrations: January 31, 2024

Students enrolled at USN and wishing to take a course provided at Inalco

You must (after your administrative registration at USN and obtaining your student number) make a complementary administrative registration (free of charge) at Inalco, then contact the SDL master's pedagogical secretariat at Inalco ( for your pedagogical registration. You will then be able to access the Moodle platform, receive various information on course modalities, and at the end of the semester consult your grades on Inalco's ENT.

Dissertation and internship report: writing, submission, defense

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Training and seminars 2023-2024

NooJ intensive training week, January 8-12, 2024, Inalco (rue de Lille): program

FieldLing Intensive Seminar - International School in Linguistic Fieldwork
15th edition of FieldLing, an introductory seminar in field linguistics, organized by LLACAN (UMR 8135), SeDyL (UMR8202) and LACITO (UMR 7107).
From September 11 to 15, 2023 at Inalco.

SocioMuL Intensive Seminar "Sociolinguistics of Multilingualism" in the form of a summer school.
From September 1 to 7, 2023 at Inalco.