LLCER bachelor's degrees with thematic and disciplinary paths

The complete Bachelor's degree course comprises three years of study. At the end of the first year of study, students have acquired a foundation that enables them to refine their choice of course. In particular, they can continue their degree course in one of Inalco's thematic and disciplinary tracks, in addition to their chosen language and civilization courses. The choice of thematic and disciplinary pathways is made at the time of registration.

Inalco offers 12 thematic and disciplinary pathways, accessible from the second year of the bachelor's degree (L2). For the 2024-2025 academic year, all these courses are open for registration. These different pathways are presented in the booklet below:

Livret synthétique parcours thématiques et disciplinaires 2025-2026 (6.04 MB, .pdf)

Reminder: General booklet presenting the organization of the LLCER bachelor's degree

Livret Licence LLCER + L.AS 2024-2025 (1.81 MB, .pdf)

Presentation of the LLCER bachelor's degree and its various pathways: regional, thematic and disciplinary, professional, bilingual, etc.

Innovations and news 2023-2024

  • World Arts pathway (Licence 3 level): following the opening of the L2 level in 2022-2023, the World Arts pathway offers a continuation of the specific teaching of this pathway on the L2 level from this new academic year.
  • Parcours Oralités: Journées du patrimoine culturel immatériel, first edition on October 4 and 5, 2023 
    The Journées du patrimoine culturel immatériel (JPCI) honor living cultural practices transmitted from generation to generation and classified by UNESCO, in connection with Inalco's cultural areas. Through a program of conferences, round tables, documentary screenings and performances, these days aim to present to the public the diversity of these cultural practices, the field of study at Inalco. Each year, Inalco will organize the Intangible Cultural Heritage Days around a theme, with this first edition focusing on Orality. More information ICI

For information

  • The Ethnomedicine course is suspended in 2023-2024
  • Arts of the World course: Specific procedure for choosing artistic practice workshops: contact SEFOR (refer to the 2023-2024 synthetic booklet)
  • The ENVA240b (by Charlotte Marchina, entitled "Anthropology of human-animal relations") and ENVB340b (by Jean-François Huchet, entitled "Environmental public policies in a globalized world") courses are suspended in 2023-2024.

Organization of thematic and disciplinary pathways

  1. In the first year (L1), students begin the study of a language that constitutes the specialty of their license. Thematic and disciplinary tracks are not eligible in L1.
  2. In the second year (L2), students determine the direction they wish to give to their license, while continuing the study of language and civilization begun in L1. 
    Complementary to the study of the language and civilization of the country or region, the choice of the same regional pathway with transversal opening enables the student to bring to his basic training an opening towards one or more (the student is free to start one or two specializations simultaneously) of the following disciplines and themes:
    Anthropology(ANT); Arts of the World (ART); World Political Issues(ENJ); Environment(ENV) ; Ethnomedicine (ETH); Genders and sexualities in the world(GFM); Connected history of the world (HCM); Linguistics(LGE); Literatures, Arts and Translation(LIT); Orality(ORA); Philosophies from Elsewhere(PHI); Religion(REL); Violence, Migrations, Memories (VMM)
  3. In the third year (L3), students pursue their course by continuing a specialization begun in L2. They can also start another.
  4. At the end of L3, if the student has validated all the elements of a course, they can ask SEFOR for a certificate of achievement, which they can use to pursue further studies or apply for a job.


The brochure presenting cross-disciplinary and thematic teaching at L2 and L3 level is available below: Find also the booklet provided during pre-entry days (up to date) below:

Brochure parcours THD 2024-2025 (9.39 MB, .pdf)

Livret synthétique parcours thématiques et disciplinaires 2025-2026 (6.04 MB, .pdf)

As a complement, here is a collection of the most frequently asked questions about the thematic and disciplinary paths:


Pathway presentation

Each thematic and disciplinary pathway is detailed below. 
As a reminder, the choice of a thematic and disciplinary pathway is made during the Inscription Pédagogique (IP).
The timetables are specified below as a guide, and change little or not at all from year to year.

Thematic and Disciplinary Pathways (THD Pathway)

Anthropology course
World Arts pathway
Global Political Issues course
Environment pathway
Gender and sexuality in the world course
Connected World History course
Linguistics pathway
Literature, arts and translation
Oralité course
Philosophies from elsewhere course
Religion course
Violence, migration and memory course
Open courses and English