Distance learning degree in Rromani

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Inalco offers an introduction to the Rromani language, several dialects of which are presented in this first year of the distance learning diploma, mainly dialects from Romania-Hungary and the Balkans.

RROMANI - Diplôme de langue (DL)_25-26.pdf (1.04 MB, .pdf)

Diplomas in Rromani1 - DL1

  • Duration : 1 year
  • Comodal teaching
  • Timetable : 7.30 hours per week
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Fee 2025-2026 (excluding CVEC): information to come
  • Admission on candidatures2.inalco.fr : dates to come - This link will be active when registration opens
  • Start of courses: dates to come
  • Training coordinator: Aurore Tirard (aurore.tirard@inalco.fr)
  • Contact : sefor-ead@inalco.fr 
Target audience
Teaching methods
Evaluation methods