Screening of the documentary film Flickering Lights
Projection of the film Flickering lights, directed by Anupama Srinivasan and Anirban Dutta
India, 2023, 90 min, VOSTFR
Tora is a Naga village close to the Indo-Burmese border, neglected by the authorities because of its long history of resistance and lacking any basic infrastructure. Seventy years after India's independence, when the inhabitants of Tora learn that electricity is finally on the way, they are wary, having been disappointed too many times in the past. The wells are dug, the poles erected, but Khamrang, the patriarch, looks on skeptically. His real dream is the sovereignty of his people. Jasmine, a pragmatic woman, sees the arrival of electricity as an opportunity to buy a much-needed refrigerator for her children. Work progresses as best it can, and life oscillates between hope and frustration. Will electricity arrive in Tora? If so, will it bring the promised joy?
Projection followed by a discussion with Bérénice Girard (IRD/CESSMA), sociologist and research fellow specializing in energy issues, and Anne Viguier, lecturer at Inalco, historian, specialist in India (CESSMA).