Doing an internship in the Bachelor's degree and CILO - International Trade department

Procedure for students in the International Business LLCER degree program or the International Business and Oriental Language (CILO) diploma program.

Internships are compulsory to validate the third year of the Bachelor's degree, as well as the Diplôme d'établissement de Commerce International et Langue Orientale (DE CILO).These internships enable students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their training and begin to integrate into the job market.

The internship, lasting a minimum of one month equivalent to 140 hours, is to be carried out either part-time during the year, or at the end of classes and exams. Please note, an internship does not exempt you from attending classes or exams.

To have your choice of internship or work experience validated as a compulsory internship, you will need to fill in the document below "Internship project validation request form" and then email it to the Director of Studies, Khadija Bayoud:

Formulaire de demande de validation de projet de stage - Filière CI (27.87 KB, .docx)

An internship agreement is mandatory and tripartite, it must be signed by the student, the professional tutor, the tutor at Inalco before the internship begins.

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At the end of your internship, you'll be asked to complete the downloadable questionnaire below.
The purpose of this short report in the form of a questionnaire is to:

  • Allow you to step back from your professional experience to better define your career plan.
  • Allowing us to have a synthetic feedback on your missions, their coherence with your university training and the skills, interpersonal knowledge and know-how you have acquired or developed during your internship.

You have until August 20 of the year of your license 3 to complete this questionnaire. You must also attach the internship evaluation form completed by your internship tutor at the host organization.

This questionnaire and the evaluation sheet must be completed in order to validate your internship and thus obtain your Licence or CILO diploma.

Questionnaire de stage - filière CI (29.17 KB, .docx)

Fiche d'évaluation du stagiaire - Filière CI (245.12 KB, .docx)

Inalco's information, orientation and professional integration service (SIO-IP) offers a wide range of training-related offers.