When Langues O' takes on water

The École des langues orientales was also affected by the floods. There are no photographs of the building's interior during this episode, however shots taken in the rue de Lille and repair estimates show that the École was indeed damaged. The cellars were invaded and the first floor itself was probably flooded¹. However, repairs were not to be carried out immediately. Thus, a credit of 4,665 francs (or 20,885 euros) was requested from the Ministry of Public Instruction as early as April, but it was not finally paid out until November 9, 1910².

A quick analysis of the various estimates issued and retained gives a rough idea of the damage caused. The biggest job was obviously to dry out, clean and renovate the premises affected by the flood, as well as the damaged masonry. Woodwork and electrical lighting also had to be changed, and paintwork redone, at a cost of 1,500 francs (around 6,715 euros)³.

This won't be the last flood at the Maison de la recherche. In June 2016 the Seine again threatened to flood the cellars. However, those in charge at 2 rue de Lille were ready, and they quickly evacuated documents and objects stored in the basements, saving Inalco's heritage from the waters.
Article from the series of historical accounts Flâneries dans l'histoire de l'Inalco, which each month highlights a singular episode in the history of the institute.
¹ Agence Rol. Agence photographique Inondation, 27 janvier 1910, rue de Lille [Paris, 7e arrondissement, 2 hommes devant 2 barques] : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol], Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1910.
² Minute of an order from the Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts dated November 9, 1910, F/21/5972, Archives nationales de Pierrefitte.
³ Etat des dépenses, dressé par le bureau des bâtiments civils et des palais nationaux, 20 octobre 1910, F/21/5972, Archives nationales de Pierrefitte.