Symposium "Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" in Paris on October 10, 2024

17 September 2024
  • EUniWell

  • International

As part of the EUniWell European University Alliance, Inalco and the University of Paris 8 (ERUA Alliance) are organizing an inter-Alliance symposium on "Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" in Paris on October 10 and 11.
Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism
Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism © ERUA‎‎
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Inalco joined the EUniWell Alliance in 2023 alongside ten other European universities. Within this Alliance, the institution coordinates the "Culture, multilingualism and well-being" thematic axis, which includes collaborative projects in education, research and civic engagement.

One aim of this thematic axis is to promote multilingualism in higher education and research, and more broadly in European society. The ERUA-EUniWell inter-Alliance symposium "Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" will feature a wide range of discussions on multilingualism and language policies at universities.

The first day of the event (Thursday, October 10) will take place at Campus Condorcet, Université Paris 8, with plenary lectures, also accessible online. The second day (Friday, October 11) will take place at Inalco's Pôle des langues et civilisations, with several interactive workshops around multilingualism issues.

We strongly encourage anyone interested in these themes to take part in this event, by indicating your interest via the registration form.

Please note that your participation is subject to confirmation by the event organizers and to available places.