"Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" inter-alliance symposium

The European university alliances ERUA and EUniWELL are pleased to invite you to the inter-alliance symposium "Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" to launch the ERUA alliance's language policy in Paris on October 10 and 11, for exchanges on multilingualism and language policies in European universities.
illustration Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism
Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism © ERUA‎

The ERUA-EUniWELL inter-alliance symposium "Living Language Policies - Lived Multilingualism" will be held in Paris on Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11, 2024. The first day will be hosted by Université Paris 8 (Campus Condorcet) and the second by Inalco.

The plenary sessions on October 10 will also be broadcast online.

On the first day, members and partners of both alliances will discuss the role of language policies in European university alliances and their implementation. The second day will be devoted to interactive workshops on multilingualism in research, teaching and learning, governance and communication.

The event is aimed at multilingualism and language policy experts from EUniWell and ERUA member and partner universities. If you would like to participate, please complete the registration form (please note: completing this form does not confirm your participation in the event, please wait for confirmation from the event organizers).


Thursday, October 10 - Paris 8 Campus Condorcet

  • 10:00 - 12:20: Opening, introductory speech and presentation of ERUA's language policy
  • 14:00 - 16:30: Round table "University language policy in action - Multilingual pathways in research, teaching, communication and governance"

Friday, October 11 - Inalco

  • 9:30 - 12:30: Simultaneous interactive workshops on multilingualism
  • 14:00 - 16:00: Internal meetings EUniWell and ERUA