Language didactics
The aim may be to train in the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE) or second language (FLS), in the didactics of plurilingualism, or to train in the didactics of one of the languages taught at Inalco.

Training courses
The Didactique Des Langues (DDL) degree program enhances students' knowledge of Oriental languages and civilizations with a view to professionalizing their teaching of languages and/or French as a foreign language, both abroad and in France.
The DDL program offers 2 courses:
NB: With the exception of Erasmus + teaching assignments, Inalco's DDL program does not accept research trainees. This type of request must be addressed to the research units. Please note that all such requests must be accompanied by a complete application file (CV, teaching and research project, financial details, letters of support...) and that a simple e-mail is insufficient to process the file.
Plaquette de présentation de la filière Didactique des langues (2.01 MB, .pdf)
Présentation Licence LLCER parcours Didactique des langues (359.77 KB, .pdf)
Document présenté lors de la Journée portes ouvertes 2025
Présentation Master LLCER parcours Didactique des langues (1.21 MB, .pdf)
Document présenté lors de la Journée portes ouvertes 2025
Industry administration
Director : Gilles FORLOT
Training Manager : Damien BRESSON