IP sheets - International relations

The pedagogical contracts edited from the IPWEB site and the pedagogical registration forms (downloadable below) duly completed must be:


  • dropped off in letterbox C (3rd floor next to room 3.26).

Civilization option REIB23X/REIA33X

You must precise on the IP form your choice of course for the civilization option REIB23X in L2 and REIA33X in L3 (code and title).

How to choose the optional civilization course

This course must:
- be related to international relations (geography, contemporary history, politics, economics, sociology, law, etc.). Literature and linguistics courses will not be accepted.
- be chosen as a priority from the free courses offered by your language and civilization department. To do this, students must go to their language department's page (Formations > Départements, filières et sections), and choose a course from UE 3 or 4 of the 2021-2022 Licence brochure, in L2 or L3, depending on their enrolment level.
- not have already been previously validated.
- be compatible with the timetable. Students must validate a full semester of the chosen course. This course can be taken in the first or second semester, regardless of its place in the LLCER International Relations syllabus.

If none of the courses offered in the language department's brochure meet these criteria, it is possible to choose an in-depth/free course in another department's brochure (preferably in the geographical area of study).
Ex : if the student is enrolled in LLCER Parcours RI - Japonais, he/she can choose a civilization course in UE 3 or 4 of LLCER Coréen or Chinois.

TD in Public Law (L3)

This optional course is limited to 30 places. Depending on the number of students interested, a CV, covering letter and L2 transcripts may be required to be sent to the following address: secretariat.ri@inalco.fr.

Students who do not take the "Droit public" TD must choose between the "Anglais renforcé" or "Transitions démocratiques dans le monde" course.

Instructions for filling in IP forms

We would be grateful if you could indicate, on the teaching form sent to Ms Milcareck, several wishes (numbered in order of preference) in the elective courses. We may need to enroll you in your second choice, depending on the number of places available. You can choose your second-semester courses now, but there's no obligation.

Please also specify your oriental language of specialization. In this regard, please note that Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Arabic will be the subject of shared courses with the "International Business" stream, and will take place on Mondays or Tuesdays. We'll get back to you at the end of August to let you know which slots have been selected. Students of languages less represented in the IR Master's program will be offered courses in INALCO's language departments. We will ensure that these are compatible with your timetable and correspond to the expectations of the course, in terms of the subjects covered.

You must choose two teachings of Areal Approaches to IR, one based on your oriental language of specialization, the other of your choice. Please note that it is entirely possible for you to choose a second, different areal teaching, in the first and second semesters.

Choice of specialization path (A, B or C):
- M1: M1 students can now indicate their preference for the specialization path they wish to follow from the second semester onwards, although there is no obligation to do so. In particular, you'll have plenty of time to think about which path (A or B/C) you'll sign up for in the second semester, as part of the Elaboration du projet professionnel course.
- M2: except for students entering M2 directly, path A "Préparation aux concours du MEAE" can only be chosen if you took it in M1. However, students who have chosen this path in M1 can join path B (Strategic Cultures) or C (International Solidarity) in M2.

- M2: except for students entering directly into M2, path A "Preparation for MEAE competitive examinations" can only be chosen if you have taken it in M1.

Fiche IP L2 RI 2023-2024 (109.78 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP L3 RI 2023-2024 (113.46 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M1 RI 2023-2024 (146.87 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 RI 2023-2024 (181.84 KB, .pdf)

Fiche IP M2 RI alternance 2023-2024 (136.33 KB, .pdf)