Pedagogical registration
Group registration will open on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and close on Friday, January 24, 2025 (11:59 p.m.).
Please read the sections below carefully, as they will guide you through the registration process.
Before starting the registration process, we strongly advise you to consult online schedules as well as the brochures for your course to make the right choices of elements.
Procedure Licence, Diplôme d'initiation, Diplôme intensif, DL, DLC
In order to complete your pedagogical registration in the best conditions, you must first have your student number. You will then need to log inon the dedicated platform with your student number and date of birth.
Don't forget to choose your groups where necessary. Pedagogical registration is annual except for the choice of groups, which is half-yearly. This means you can only enroll in groups for the 1st semester. However, you must register for both semesters. You will first have to register fully for the 1st semester and then for the 2nd semester - Click on "Realize other registrations" as shown in the screenshot below.
Semester 1 and semester 2 (.pdf / 32.29Kb)
Once you have completed your pedagogical registration, your pedagogical contract will be generated.
You will need to return it to the pedagogical secretariat of your department or stream
- Either by e-mail
- or by post
- or in the locker provided for this purpose which is located on the level of office 3.25
Tempo and L1+ path accuracy
Tempo and L1+ path accuracy
You have been admitted to Inalco as a "Oui Si", so you are enrolled in Licence 1 LLCER in the Licence Plus pathway (Tempo or L1+).
During your pedagogical registration, you will not see the details of UE1 and UE4, which include choices assigned by your Tempo referent teacher and by the REVE service, depending on your student profile, and which will be completed later by the REVE service.
Before proceeding with your IP, we invite you to consult the page relating to your course Tempo or L1+. Please be sure to consult the "IP WEB guide - steps to follow" at the bottom of the page.
You can find the links below ci-besoin.
Licence thematic and disciplinary path
Licence thematic and disciplinary path
When you register for a course, you'll need to choose a path; UE4 is an elective UE.
You'll need to choose one/several teaching element(s) from a compulsory list and one/several teaching element(s) from an elective list.
For these elective elements, no pedagogical registration is possible. You will then need to write the subject code(s) on your pedagogical contract before returning it to the pedagogical secretariat.
Diplôme de civilisation and CILO procedure
Pedagogical registrations are to be made by email to your language pedagogical secretariat for the DCs and to the international trade stream for the CILO.
Master procedure
At the time of administrative registration, the student chooses his or her orientation (disciplinary or professional) according to his or her field of interest, and pedagogical project. They may modify this choice if necessary during the first semester, after consultation with their dissertation director.
When registering for the program, students must ensure that their chosen orientation is consistent with the subject of the mini-dissertation prepared in M1. The student must also ensure that the number of credits (ECTS) for each UE is respected.
There is no online pedagogical registration for the Master. You will find all the IP forms to complete on the page Pedagogical registration forms. The documents must be signed by the teachers in charge before submission to the LLCER Masters office: office 3.48 / mailbox H /
For Masters courses in professionally-oriented streams, you must address your stream manager so that he/she can advise you on the procedure to follow.

Waiver of attendance, accommodation, leave of absence, exemption from continuous assessment...

Requesting validation of prior learning for courses previously validated at other establishments