PU Modern and contemporary Korean language, literature and civilization (N° Odyssée: 251077; CNU sections: 10, 15, 19)
Teaching profile
Programs involved : Bachelor's degree LLCER Korean; Master's degree LLCER Korean Studies; Master's degree Literary Translation; PhD Korean Studies
The recruited University Professor will participate in the teaching of Korean language (Korean linguistic skills essential) and civilization. They may teach either Korean literature and literary translation from Korean into French and from French into Korean, or the social sciences of contemporary Korea, at Bachelor level (Bachelor LLCER Korean) and Master level (Master LLCER Korean and possibly Master Literary Translation) and provide supervision at Master's and PhD levels.
The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the development of teaching tools, particularly digital ones, as part of the establishment's hybrid or distance learning offer. Competence in ICTE and interest in digital pedagogy are desirable.
Depending on the candidate's specialist discipline, part of their teaching duties may be devoted to cross-disciplinary teaching within their department, or institution-wide at bachelor's and master's level.
They may also be called upon to provide pedagogical and methodological support to students, and to teach in English.
Teaching department:
Place of employment: INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins CS21351 75214-PARIS cedex 13
Department director name: PABERZ Chloé
Department director's telephone no.:
Department director's e-mail: chloe.paberz@inalco.fr
Department URL: https://www.inalco.fr/etudes-coreennes
Research profile
Candidates should consider the convergence between their work and Inalco's intellectual and scientific identity, as embodied in the collective projects carried out by the institution and its research units. Depending on their specialties, the recruited teacher-researcher will be able to join the research unit of their choice from among Inalco's own teams and Mixed Research Units (UMRs) (co-)supervised by Inalco, in particular IFRAE (UMR8043), CERLOM (EA 4124) and LACITO (UMR 7107).
Laboratory affiliation: IFRAE (UMR 8043)
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Bernard THOMANN
Laboratory director's e-mail: bernard.thomann@inalco.fr
Laboratory URL: https://www.inalco.fr/ifrae
IFRAE is seeking to recruit a University Professor specialized in Korea, able to deal with Korean-language sources, particularly in the human and/or social sciences, or modern and contemporary Korean literature.
Candidates specializing in the humanities and social sciences will work on Axis 2, Genealogies and Trajectories of Contemporary East Asia, either in Theme 1, “The State, Social Forces and Circulation through History”, or in Theme 2, “ Societal Questions: Contemporary Issues in East Asia”.
The candidate's research in modern and contemporary Korean literature will be in line with the laboratory's Axis 1 “Languages, sources and issues”: either in Theme 1 “Understanding, interpreting, translating”, or in Theme 2 “Concepts and words”, and may include literary translation.)
The candidate must have a high scientific level and be involved in national and international research networks. A relevant research project, in line with IFRAE's existing lines of research, is expected. An interest in East Asian issues, comparisons and connections is essential, as is a taste for teamwork and scientific leadership.
Laboratory of affiliation: CERLOM (EA 4124)
Location: Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Laboratory director: Stéphane Sawas
Laboratory director's e-mail: stephane.sawas@inalco.fr
Laboratory URL: https://www.inalco.fr/cerlom
The candidate's work will focus on modern and contemporary Korean literature and will require the processing of Korean-language sources.
They may fall within one or more of the research themes of the current five-year plan:
1/ Editing, translating and teaching the world's literatures and oralities
2/ Comparative history of poetics
3/ Migrant words, migrant writings
4/ Audiovisual creation and world societies
Laboratory of affiliation: LACITO (UMR 7107)
Location: Campus CNRS - 7, rue Guy Môquet (bât. D) - 94800 Villejuif
Laboratory director: Cécile LEGUY
Laboratory director's e-mail: cecile.leguy@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr
Laboratory URL: https://lacito.cnrs.fr/
LACITO: The candidate may be attached to LACITO (“Languages and Civilizations with an Oral Tradition”), a multi-disciplinary mixed research unit devoted to the study of languages and language practices in all their diversity, based on field surveys. Their research will focus on social and linguistic phenomena in contemporary Korean society.
LACITO has three non-exclusive lines of research, and the same person may work in one or other of them, depending on the project. These three research axes are 1. description and corpus, 2. Typology and historical linguistics, and 3. Linguistic anthropology. The professor recruited for the Contemporary Korean Social Sciences position will be able to develop their research more specifically in this third area. Based on a pragmatic and semiotic approach to language and non-language events, current research deals with issues of power, expressions of identity and the performativity of the verbal arts.
The professor recruited will be encouraged to participate in the laboratory's activities and to be a driving force behind the renewal of collective projects.
The position for which you are applying may be located in a "restricted field" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the French penal code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment will be subject to authorization issued by the head of the establishment, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree no. 84-431 of June 6, 1984.
Ref.: Decree of February 6, 2023, on the general procedures for transfers, secondments, and recruitment through competitive examinations for associate professors, university professors, and junior professor chairs.
PU Modern and contemporary Korean language, literature and civilization (253.35 KB, .pdf)